
There are always some. I still personally know people who think Trump is doing a great job. And are you sure there aren’t enough people to get him re-elected? I’m not.

Facebook definitely has a bias. Duterte has executed 20,000 of Facebooks most enthusiastic users. That reduces Facebook usage in the Philippines by 29,200,000 hours per year.

Not really

Now playing

When the crazy is revealed within fascist regimes, the only solution for it is to double or triple down on the crazy. Got orange, ignorant, 71-year old, GOP, twitler-child leader of the USA?

(4 hours per day WTF)

Some would argue the radical islamists and drug dealers are the homicidal assholes.

That makes it almost one in four of us losing neurons to FB every day.

Does he mean The CIA Factbook?

a lot of not very bright people out there man.

...Facebook, which wants to see the average user break the 4-hour-per-day benchmark that currently puts them in first place globally...

Fun little tid-bit: its not just Russia that employs an army of online trolls, basically every other aspiring authoritarian regime has followed suit. Duterte pays for a bunch of them, as does Erdogan, and Venezuela somehow still has money to do that.  

We got bigger fish to fry at home, Duterte. But ego-maniacal dictators are always going to assume everything is about them.