
I am not ranting. I spotted your comment as a textbook canned response from his fanatical followers and his automated troll army. Judging from your claim you did talk to a family here who were equally fed the same spiel.

The idiotic part of your claim is to talk to someone from the Philippines? 😂

First and foremost your claims of deign dealers being killed. Wrong. No one was caught.

And don’t bother with your threats of civil war. It is pretty clear that your only real contribution to this administration is sitting in front of a computer. The army has made it clear that they will not support drastic actions by the president and so did the police. So you better fight good, little man. Coz that’s a

Yes I am a nobody just like you whose opinion equally doesn’t count. But here’s the thing. You’re the one who’s the whiney emotional one. I shot down your SPECULATIVE claims with facts. I put you in your place like the whiney duterte supporter that you are.

You are the one who is supporting an aging 75 year old man who can’t even defend himself in a slapping contest. So who’s the sheep now? LMFAO.

Yeah, I think part of the reason why it’s more common on Facebook is because they have a crappy reporting algorithm that can’t identify a fake account. It used to work well for a time but flaky at best.

The other funny thing about “talking to other people” is that for the past couple of months even my news feed has stopped showing news articles about Duterte from my pro-Duterte supporters (that and Facebook has banned your “reliable” news sources). Your troll army has also thinned out in most news pages as well.

Oh, who said I wanted you to prove anything? I already live here. How’s the OFW exodus going dude? I sure as hell am not allowing 5.5B of my tax money to send people back home because YOUR president make bad decisions.

really? kindly name ONE drug dealer who got killed in this so called “war on drugs”. Better yet name ONE mastermind? That’s the problem with the justice system under the Duterte administration. “Suspected” and “convicted” are synonymous. You would think you needed a law degree instead of a dictionary to know the

Firstly, Singapore only contains a 5.6M people. To use that as a benchmark for the Philippines of 100M is like trying to compare a Ferrari with a train. Don’t compare the success of a small country with that of a bigger one. That was mistake number one for voting Duterte into office. Really? A city population of 1.6M

He copied the idea from Reagan’s war on drugs. I guess most of you already know how that ended up. Also, the ex-Colombian president who caught Escobar personally told him it failed during his term too. He ended up calling him an idiot. Why copy other people’s platforms and then call them fools for telling him it was a

Most of Duterte’s supporters are below the poverty line as is with many politicians come election time. Also, more than 60% of us are below that line so it’s more likely you’ll meet someone who supports him if you come across some Filipino in the lower-class.

The culture of my people’s masses is about prying into other people’s lives so it makes sense that we are excessive users. Social media just amplified that mindset. “small minds talk about other people” and all that crap.

You’re not wrong. We also had survey hacks coming from Russia for another candidate.

Wrong. Not a single drug lord was ever jailed or killed. Go ahead and confirm this if you think this is bs.

No it doesn’t. The simple explanation is it tried to copy USA’s war on drugs. We both know how that went. Also, Cesar Gaviria said the same thing to him. Duterte ends up calling them idiots.

In an auto shop somewhere in Poland, a Commodore 64 weeps silently. ;)