Eggs Woodhouse

It’s the height of idiocy, disrespect or likely both when you copypasta your condolences for a mass shooting.

Why steal from a bank when we can just take it straight out of the printer.

“There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Ivanka Trump said...”

A NSFW card game is getting into a land war with an insane former reality show host who is now the President of the United States, and said President is possibly being blackmailed by a hostile foreign government with a pee tape. JFC.

As always, the GOP’s timing is... unimpeachable.

Donny, bubbie, you’re the fucking President. You’re the one you are yelling at to “DO SOMETHING”. Sooooo, DO SOMETHING, or shut the fuck up.

The Barf Bag doesn’t do weekend tweets, so:

My apologies in advance for the caps

Remember when someone with dignity, grace, style, and genuine affection for the next generation occupied the office?

He didn’t drain the swamp, he just added more leaches.

I’m an EMT, married to an EMT. I haven’t been on a truck for a few months because my bipolar is kicking my butt, but he has. ODs have tripled - TRIPLED - in the last year. We’re having trouble stocking enough narcan, which is a problem because we’ve also had a few accidental ODs from cops and providers coming into

I hope those who voted for him who have family or friends who are addicted see this as the slap in the face that it is. My brother in law (former, my sister eventually divorced him) is an opioid addict. The problem isn’t “just say no.” It’s “take this if you want to be able to get back to work after your

...if that was satire, it would be brilliant. An International Alliance Against Globalism! It’s almost poetically absurd. This is why irony is dead, folks. We simply cannot come up with something fucking ludicrous enough to outrun Poe’s Law.

You keep thinking Trump and Bannon’s followers can’t get any stupider, then you see something like this.

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

In the normal world you would be right, but this Tweet is exactly his gameplan. Blame the Democrats for the death of Obamacare. His base will eat it up. You can show video of him signing the EO all day long. They couldn’t care less.

You motherfucker.

Bye xoxoxo and go easy on the embalmimg liquid. Some who die on Friday afternoon are known to rise again on Sunday.

For real though... why don’t young people use condoms anymore?

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?