Eggs Woodhouse

I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Number one red flag for literally anybody I ever meet that I know immediately is a horrendous person to deal with, they make a super obvious mistake and then double down hard as FUCK on it, inventing an entire universe in which their mistake wasn’t a mistake just to avoid admitting to a pretty innocuous mistake.

I can’t stop watching this.

“Coincidentally, this is also my very mysterious response when people ask why I am going all the way over to the emptier downstairs bathroom”

Impaired driving is impaired driving. I don’t care if it’s booze, Percocet or anything else - if you are even slightly impaired, don’t get behind the wheel.

As a mom, I’d like to say that public education affects adults without kids just as much as it affects adults with kids and your opinion is welcome.

SOME parents have choices. For example, parents of non-disabled, neurotypical, gender condemning, Christian children who live in cities and large suburbs have choices.

So parents are the best qualified to make decisions for their children, but I cannot make my own decisions regarding my body?

Katherine Clark, I like you. 

“definition of compassionate: a compassion that is balanced between the people who get the benefits and the people who pay them.”

The President’s mature and dignified response involved calling the perpetrators of the bombing “losers”. Because in the face of a tragedy, you always want to hear the leader of the free world using playground taunts.

“Huh, I never heard of that one.”

Oh, it won’t just be the worst British politicians trying to capitalize on this. Expect maximum opportunistic bombast from the American right.Trump is no doubt rubbing his tiny hands together with relish as he contemplates how he can use this terrible tragedy to pivot out of the hot seat.

I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community.....

And once again, my father, who, as I have said before on other posts, predicted Trump’s nomination, win, and Russian connections (“there are too many Russians in this campaign”), was right - he also predicted that Trump would blab top secret information to either reporters or foreign countries. He’s been right about

Really, Sheldon Whitehouse? Dude! It’s not like you have to work hard at coming across as more ethical that Trump/GOPs. Don’t do stupid shit. Don’t give them any reason to drag you and your party down with them. Jesus dude.

I will never not star “but her emails” posts.

I am just going to leave this here and let it marinate in the shittiness of the past few months:

It’s OK, you guys. The WaPo comment section assures me that this is FAKE NEWS.