Eggs Woodhouse

the people with “life changing” injuries. They are the ones we should hear about, but we usually don’t. the dead are dead, and therefore easily quantifiable. But the ones that are living- they suffer, and have a terrible time ahead of them.

And if he manages to get two sentences out without using the words “losers” or any racial slurs, the press will fall all over themselves to call him presidential in the wake of tragedy.

He’s gonna end up deep-throating his foot. Wait for it.

I’m sure that president Trump’s response will be measured, calm, and not at all batshit crazy.

Briefly, I don’t think I was suggesting that these women should be silenced or that they should never be allowed to talk publicly.

I have a Syrian hamster and a Russian hamster. (Seriously, that where they each originated from.) OMG you would not believe how tense it has been in my home.

This is going to be a scorching hot take, but merely bearing and raising a child does not in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM make you qualified to talk about the Trump/Russia allegations and wider societal implications on (what could be generously described as) a news program.

My family consisting of me, my partner, and our four cats, cares DEEPLY about the Russia issue.

This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

“Trump’s ego drives his belief that he can win every confrontation no-matter-what...”

Game theory - the White House correspondents are painting Spicer and the Administration into a corner.. so that when the House and Senate committees do come out and say it didn’t happen, Trump, Spicer, et al. will look even more foolish.

Such a huge bummer. As a plus-size clothes wearer, Modcloth has been of my go to’s because they have such cute products. I won’t continue to shop there if they’re owned by Walmart, though. I refuse to support a company that treats its employees so badly.

When I can’t use a coupon I brought to the store, I tuck it into the shelf in case someone else comes by who can use it. I call myself the Coupon Fairy.

I like to think I’d do the same thing with hundred-dollar bills, but let’s be real. Someone else would be doing my grocery shopping.

I’d tell you what I’d be moving up from the store brand mustard.

I’m not going to lie, I’d be pretty stoked about $200K. The idea of making $418K a day is making my head spin a little. What the hell do you even spend it on? Where does it go? Do you dive into piles like Scrooge McDuck?

Don’t answer. I don’t really want to know.

I’m trying to imagine what my spouse and I would need to do to make $418K a year. Even if it was in 2005 dollars, that would be an entirely different existence.

I like how you he equates CEO optimism with an across the board boost in morale. “Guys, I can’t wait to go to my abusive minimum wage retail job where I am forced to shove credit cards down people’s throats because our CEO is looking forward to scoring a new yacht for his island.”

It’s weird to me how young his hands look compared to his face. That’s the opposite of many people I know.

President Obama looks sexy af post-vacay and I aint even shy about it, lol.

What exactly does it say about me that I did in fact click on this story, knowing I would have to look at multiple horrible close-ups that made me gag, and am still commenting on it?