Eggs Woodhouse

This was my favorite from the Philly march. Well done, person!

Jenna: “Once Trump got elected, I was like, I’m going to be here—and comments I got from other people in my life that voted for him, like ‘I don’t understand why you’re even going, it’s not like you can change the presidency.’ And I was like, okay, thank you, because now I know for sure that I’m going.”

Oh that is so not fair, Ian! Yes, Obviously you win the protest sign game forever BUT NOT ALL OF US GET TO HAVE CAPT. PICARD AS OUR BEST FRIEND, AND DON’T EVEN PRETEND THAT ISN’T WHERE YOU GOT THIS IDEA FROM!

DC’s best sign:

I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out

Proudest day of my 54 years. I was moved to tears just in the Metro; the energy and electricity and excitement and yes, the anger. I marched with my girlfriend and a torn meniscus and I am exhausted and happy.

I’m all cried out today by...everything. All the powerful signs, powerful people, and powerful spoken word.

You mean this sign? It’s amazing.

My fav in Austin.

And lecturing the press about “what they should be writing.”

He can hold me accountable all he wants. I have over 200 years of history behind me. Come at me, you fucking tangerine.

Yep. The parade route was completely barren. Full of empty bleachers. That one must have stung for him.

I kind of love that WaPo is now just flat-out saying that Trump is lying:

I personally loved the leap from “there is NO way of knowing how many people were there.” to “There were the most people from any inauguration ever.”

He also made this terrifying statement: “We’re going to hold the press accountable.” That’s the direct opposite of how things work in a free nation, asshole.

I was literally yelling at my TV.

I think everything Donald does is driven by a surface hatred of Obama, and a much deeper desperate need to be Obama.

How can his team be so fucking incompetent that they forgot to order the cake in time for a custom design? Jesus christ, anyone who’s every planned a wedding knows that the cake is one of the first things you order.

Tangentially related but how cute is Ian mckellen’s sign for the women’s march?