Eggs Woodhouse

I’ve been thinking a meteor would be awesome for a while now.

These are all these Breitbart assholes that are pissed because Milo was banned.

The levels of shit she’s enduring just for like...being are really disappointing and horrible.

Leave this fucking woman alone, you internet shitbags. WTF is wrong with these puerile hackers??

Retzlaff didn’t receive the promotion because she was unqualified.

We also had a government-funded mosquito research lab, which they shut down. I dunno about you, but I’m thinking that lab would have been REALLY helpful right around now!

“Risk of Zika infection likely highest during first trimester” in no way translates to “effects only happen when the mom is infected in the first trimester.”

That's actually absolutely not known.

No, actually researchers are walking that back. There can potentially be impacts throughout the pregnancy, and even late-onset microcephaly that isn’t apparent until a few months after birth.

Wow, those images are horrifying. Those poor, poor babies and their families. Even if they survive they will need around the clock care. No one should be forced to carry a pregnancy like that to term. Fuck Florida politicians.

Meanwhile, the medical journal Radiology just published some images and information about how bad the effects of Zika can really be on a fetus or baby (warning: medically graphic but not gory images). At the same time, Florida’s already-restrictive abortion laws are being defended by many prominent conservative

I can’t imagine how scary it must be to be pregnant in Florida right now.

As someone who, for the past eight years, has worked closely with dozens of young Irish women making their way in the world of International teaching, I can tell you something I believe to be quite accurate: They do not fuck around. They are tough, stubborn, kind hearted, and part of a new generation of Irish, the

That’s only if Canada manages to get their wall up before the mass exodus in November.

Now playing

Eh, he has said/done some pretty sexist stuff in the past. Off the top of my head (I’m from MA, so) I remember him making some sexist comments about Elizabeth Warren regarding her not being qualified to be a professor at Harvard and that he was happy she didn’t “take off her clothes” to pay for college, intimating she

Oh my god. How horrifying. I’ve encountered Munchausen by Proxy once before, when the manager of my mom’s store was finally exposed. At first, she was a totally charming person who was super good at her job. And we all felt terrible for her because her 5 year old son was constantly sick or recovering from something.

It’s fine to feel sorry for her. I think she’s just your average social climber, and she never expected to be in the national spotlight like this where people are paid money to actually check the things you say.

One thing’s sure, whoever her legal representation was is probably going to get sued by Trump.

I’m guessing the blatantly plagiarized speech at the RNC didn’t help.