Eggs Woodhouse

I’m sure all black celebrities on Twitter deal with this to some extent, but this volume of vitriol has to be because a black woman dared to be a Ghostbuster. I’ve seen a lot of misogynistic trolling about the movie (which was awesome, you sexist fools!) but there is no way that McKinnon, Wiig, and McCarthy are

Why are they doing this to her???????? Just because she is a black woman who is in Ghostbusters????? I don’t understand. Who are these people?????????? It scares me to think that I could know one of them and not know it.

“My outrage has a wide range.” Love that. Fuck Twitter and all these stupid social media companies that don’t do ANYTHING of value to protect users and keep the streams of vile shit off of their platforms.

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.

“I have been with Donald for 18 years” ...Donald divorced wife 2 17 years ago.

“Lazy mediocrity” is fucking spot-on. How does a campaign for the highest office in the world let this happen? How does such a colossal mistake unfold? It seems like the first thing you’d do is check it side-by-side with previous speeches from wives to make sure there wasn’t anything fishy. I just don’t

This is what kills me. She’s the liar because people suspect she’s lying. But he is not a liar, even though he has been caught red-handed time after time. So he can grandstand about honesty and loyalty! The world is upside down, I swear.

the cognitive dissonance is astounding. I tuned in to a half hour of the rnc last night and as a Canadian just sat slack-jawed at what I was watching. Shameful.

It’s always funny to me that Clinton is considered dishonest but Trump has said so many things that turn out to be not true or false. Hm.

( 1 You can’t walk into the convention

High V!

Big fan of your Mom right now.

The US government was inspired by the Iroquois Confederacy. That is an American Indian government that was able to unite six tribes. Suck on that, Steve King.

I still think you’re missing the point, but I’m sure if you read it III or IV more times, you might figure it out.

Incredulous. And barely able to breathe due to her rage that Hillary is only up by 5+.

I don’t think you understood my post. You should probably go back and read it a IInd time.

“This is real. This is happening.” Text from my mom, 45 minutes ago.

Shouldn’t he be protesting Harriet Tubman being put on the $XX bill? I mean what with only white people contributing to our civilization...

My reaction: AWWW TEH BEBIES! on earth did that happen??? All power to him, but HOW DID THE SECURITY OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS let a known left-wing talk show host, in a bizarre costume, onto the stage? Let alone leave him at the damn podium long enough to give a satirical speech?? Jesus, no wonder they didn’t want guns there.