Eggs Woodhouse


My favorite line (thus far— I’m still reading) from Breyer’s majority opinion: “We add that, when directly asked at oral argument whether Texas knew of a single instance in which the new requirement would have helped even one woman obtain better treatment, Texas admitted that there was no evidence in the record of


Enochs denied the rape charges but, in a plea deal, admitted guilt to battery with moderate bodily injury — a misdemeanor, rather than a felony. In return, both rape charges were dismissed.

I know, right? After the doors closed, people were thanking him and telling him what a badass he was and he was like: “I’m glad he didn’t get on, I really didn’t want to hurt him. He’s just a stupid kid.”

I don’t know if I’m more annoyed by this woman’s rude bitchery or by the fact that she thinks this outfit clashes and is inappropriate for work. My first thought when I saw the pic was that I love the side ruche and the jewel tones. She really does look great!

“night on the town” for this woman=8 pm church service followed by a glass and a half of white zinfandel at Barb’s house while they talk shit about the other’s women’s ‘slutty’ church outfits.

For real, good for Molly and fuck this hater ass couch jockey. How much of a salty stank monster do you have to be to fucking write a multi paragraph long email to a television studio because a woman didn’t meet your exacting standards of ******conservative****** in a dress and necklace that could be on a mannequin at

She was kind. I honestly wanted her to rip that person a new one. How dare they think it’s ok to contact someone over their appearance and they seem so personally aggrieved like their day is a little worse because of someone's fashion choice. It’s like the person that tells you to smile like you owe it to them. And

All I can really say is this commenter woman obviously has no idea how to dress for a “night out on the town” because the meteorologist is dressed perfectly for her job.

I bet you she complains on Facebook about how everyone is so sensitive and offended by everything these days.

Clashing colors?! No. Magenta and turquoise live together in harmony, you craprabbit! Learn to use a color wheel.

“Shaken to the core (almost)” by a pink dress, huh? I think this person is (almost) too fragile to be watching any TV at all.

Hey look, my Mother finally worked out how to use email.

You don't have to share every single opinion you have.

Had the hungry hungry Cameron left O’Hare and gone instead to Giordano’s, Aurelio’s, or J.B. Alberto’s, Brexit might never have happened? Awesome.

So you’re all for this? Or are you just trolling to feed your inner troll?

I want to know what has happened to the human brain in the past 15 years to make people take photographs of everything - the plate of food they’re about to eat, they’re reflection in every mirror, and now murder victims? I don’t understand how people can see a woman who was brutally attacked and dying or dead and

WHO TAKES A PICTURE OF THAT? People are fucking sick.

No words to express my horror at peoples’ lack of decency. This goes beyond a lack of decency - everyone who posted pictures of her should be arrested. Peoples’ need to one-up each other with shock value on social media has gone too far, it’s sick and perverted.