Eggs Woodhouse

I hope they throw the book at him. It’s a very, very big book. A dishonorable discharge is no joke.

Ted Cruz - the man who shut down the government over Obamacare - calling yesterday’s filibuster “a political show” is truly rich.

I heard him. “This isn’t a gun problem, it is a terrorist problem.” Right after they play the clip from the sheriff saying “We can’t tie him to any particular group. He has no associations.”

And he buckled to Tea Party bullshit, chose Sarah Palin for his VP. The madness of this election and his party’s open bigotry is largely on his shoulders.

Right!? Not only has this guy taken money from the NRA to keep their vile policies ahead of the safety and wishes of the people, but he has been in office way longer than President Obama had. He is, by far, the more guilty of the two.

Well gee, that clarification makes you marginally less of a fuckhead.

Couldn’t you then say, by this absolutely ridiculous logic, that George W. Bush was directly responsible for the shooting because he invaded Iraq, which caused Obama to inherit troops there that he needed to pull out?

I’m glad John McCain is doing his best to assure the American public his reputation of being a ‘maverick’ and ‘reasonable’ was a grave error of judgment on everyone’s part. Thanks, John.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooooooooooff.

Perhaps I’m confused, but I thought the Republicans were all about protecting the unborn.

I can already hear the reasons people will have why funding isn’t necessary. “What, you think I’m responsible now just because some women won’t cover up or wear bug spray?”

yeah, “you’re a fake because I wasn’t very curious or bright when I was 12 years old” is an interesting defense that seems to be proving his point

I have recently discovered I have two friends that are very strongly anti-vaxxers. I genuinely don’t know what to do. Right now my two year old is up to date with his vaccines but he’s still too young for some and I don’t want him hanging out with their kids. And it feels awful because I deeply care for both ladies as

Several anti-vax organizations have been pooling their collective intellectual powers

Ken Calvert: “ Let us honor the Orlando victims by strengthening our resolve to defend the liberties that make America the extraordinary nation it is...”

Um, yeah. Prayer from a religion that rejects LGBT as immoral or sin? No thank you very much.

I can assure you that Paul Ryan does not get it. He is running for president in 2020. He’s just trying to get more subdued quotes on the books, put them in his “moderate” bank account to cash in four years from now. The more I read about him, the more evil I realize he is. Be afraid.

This is an ideology that rejects who we are as a country: open, tolerant, free.

In a blog post, he blamed the attack on ISIS. “Of course there has been a knee-jerk call for more gun control. (The New York Daily News’ headline the day after the shooting was “THANKS, NRA”). Some gay-rights activists are blaming the “Christian Right.” Planned Parenthood blames “toxic masculinity” (whatever that

They’re pro-life though, right?