Mass Effect Citadel.
Mass Effect Citadel.
This is legitimately fascinating. It’s amazing how small translation choices completely change the perception of characters in these stories
My family eats at 5/6PM.
Another day, another Battlegrounds article.
The amount of coverage Kotaku is doing on this game is astonishing — it’s starting to feel like paid content.
So, is there a reason we’re getting daily content about Battlegrounds now?
Why would Sony agree? One of their main selling points is that “You need to buy our PS4 if you want to play games with all your PS4 friends.”
Eh — I thought FFIX was kind of overrated and mostly forgettable. Other games in the series have had moments that stuck with me (FF4's sacrifice of the twins, FF6's opera, FF7's death of aeris, etc.) but as I sit here, nothing sticks out to me about FFIX. Characters were kinda forgettable, settings were the same.
Elite Dangerous stories like this always make me want to go back and play.
With every passing monent, it becomes more apparent that Disney / Lucasfilm is going to go back and retcon Jyn Erso’s death in Rogue One so that they can do more stuff with the character.
They’ll probably also flag accounts that return too many games in a given time period.
Because this is a handheld console with TV-dock functionality.
The problem, unfortunately, is that Nintendo is a Japanese company — catering to a demographic that does take the train everywhere, hang out in coffee shops, etc.
Considering the size of the United States, any comparison to European leagues and league size is pretty useless.
I would have been fucking terrified. And in fear of my beloved ship.
I could never get into Final Fantasy V because the job system seemed to be just a miserable grind. Combine that with a really flimsy set of charachters and I ended up just passing.
Plus, changing Tina to Terra also let them have the contrasting character names with Terra (Earth) and Celes (short for ‘Celestial’ or Heavens).
ME1's music — God that awful high pitched song that played during all those base fights....
It’s amazing how much I’ve grown to detest obvious time-sinks in games (of which “Crafting” is now the biggest culprit) now that I’m an adult with a wife and a job
I play on Xbone. I think I’m addicted to this game.