Eggplant Emoji

I once was waiting at a stoplight with the window cracked about 2-3 inches. A seagull flew over my car perpendicularly (left to right) and to my amazement/outrage shat into my damn car! Some of it even landed on my leg. I was equally pissed and impressed. I imagine he squawked to his friends about it later.

We really don’t need to see what Alex Jones has been up to, anymore. We don’t ever really need to see it.

When you ignore trolls, you take away their power. I concede in the modern social media environment it can be hard to do, but all the giants of the industry have made it so much easier to ignore this particular troll, so can we do that now? Can we please start ignoring this troll?

Her poor chihuahua :( rip

It’s too late to do something you stupid moron, you should have done it at that moment, venting about it now does nothing and why the fuck would the restaurant give a fuck about something another customer did to you other than not breaking up a fight in their place.

Does the klutz who spilled red wine on my clothes owe me?”

Did James Gunn raped someone? From what I read, that wasn’t actually the issue

I’m looking at Metacritic and see 10 rave reviews and 3 middling-to-negative ones. What the fuck are you on about? 

Especially the way AV Club has been trying to spoil anything related to Tilda Swinton the entire time, yeah. Can movies not have twists that people don’t feel compelled to ruin in advance for others any more?

This is very leading opinion copy from William which doesn’t accurately account for the reviews. They’re actually very polarized - either love or hate, not “mostly disappointed”.

They do! I got 90 days suspended sentence for taking deck shoes and polo shirts from a bait van in a white neighborhood! I spent almost an hour in jail before dad’s lawyers got me out, too! And the cops confiscated all my cocaine!

Congrats to the Chicago PD for being master baiters.

YASSSSSS! We love that show by the way!

It’s legit not very good. I’d honestly rather go to Applebee’s than Beef’s.

“. . . one is much more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark . . .”
Coming this summer . . . from Steven Spielberg . . .
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the pasture!

It’d be a real waste if it wasn’t, after Statham lost 120 pounds to play the title role.


If science has taught me nothing else, it’s that the megalodon should have a machine gun mounted in front of its dorsal fin and a spot for Jason Statham to stand gun down any fucking commies escaping the sharks gaping maw.

“The AV Club redesign 2 years in the making is complete, completely hideous”