Were you this vigorous in pointing out all the bullshit errors Tallahassee PD made and things they covered up and fucked up? or do you only get so self-righteous to protect poor, put-upon millionaire men?
Were you this vigorous in pointing out all the bullshit errors Tallahassee PD made and things they covered up and fucked up? or do you only get so self-righteous to protect poor, put-upon millionaire men?
‘Pannekoeken’ is just the Dutch word for pancake. Dutch pancakes are made with buckwheat flour and are thin but like 16” in diameter. I have never heard the term ‘Dutch babies’ but I assume it refers to poffertjes, which are the little silver dollar sized ones.
But I ask you: How do you know she's wrong? Have YOU made YOUR body a clean water oasis for the world? That's what I thought. Haters gotta hate.
But you’d at least need to keep him alive long enough to give you a kick-ass recipe for jetfuel-braised Burneko hocks.
Masterdating gets such a shit rap. To answer, does the bowling alley have a bar? If yes, go bowling, man!
Samer is a Pats apologist, even though they stand for everything we toil every day to tear down. When Ballghazi broke this week he didn’t talk all afternoon. His hero is a lie.
Siiiiiiiiick burn, B-Pets!
I am not a hot tub person really but I would do that. Win.
Marchman’s in Chicago, Burke’s in St. Pete, Harvilla’s near Columbus, Diana’s in L.A., Burneko/Magary/Draper are outside D.C., and the rest of the fulltimers are in NY.
Fuck Lion
Does hot sauce count? Hot sauce.
My son is so into spicy condiments that he’s put Cholula on oatmeal, so it would be some sort of hot sauce just to avoid whining.
Either chocolate frosted or bear claw.
People ask this here a lot. The short answer is that almost all gambling coverage is bullshit. It’s written by people who do not gamble for a living, handing out advice that sounds actionable, but is really just funneling business to bookies in the hands of readers who will not use it to gain a sustainable edge. The…
Yeah. Send us the video when you do
Simmons has been on record for holding grudges. This is a public beheading.