
Remember this the next time anyone brings up the asinine NPR/Public Television “federal money” silliness.

Part of me wants to be like, “No shit,” but the other part of me is like, “Holy Shit!”

You know it’s a Penn State truther when they try to bury the Paterno reference deep in their argument.

Wow, someone defended Goodell, domestic violence, and Paterno all in one fucking comment.

1. Goodell is a demonstrably shitty human being who doesn’t care about athlete safety or domestic violence unless it would adversely affect him.

I’m adding this take to the list.

Good point. The Twins will probably have to all hit each other with a pitch during batting practice.

Yeah, but it shows baseball players having a sense of humor which probably breaks another unwritten rule.

After the game, a reporter asked Rosario about his family filming the moment.

The second best part of the gif is Griffin on the far right side of the screen just throwing his arms up and turning away in a “seriously, man?” fashion after watching Rivers faceplant with the ball bouncing harmlessly out of bounds.

Austin Rivers is a national treasure. Let’s put him in every playoff series.

Thank you for your call, Tommy from Quincy!

I don’t want to say that the Deflategate report was damning, but when an equipment guy refers to himself as ‘the deflator’, well....

Brady: [tosses these idiots under the bus]
These Idiots: [quickly deflate the tires]

This is not my father’s root beer for the simple reason that my father did not have a root beer!

Pushed the boundaries of the rules? No. They broke a rule. Deflating game balls after they’ve been inspected by the refs? That’s breaking a rule. It’s not difficult to grasp this concept.

The Patriots did in fact not win a Super Bowl entirely through cheating - instead they merely cheated on their way to winning a Super Bowl.

Thanks for clearing that up, I’m sure everyone was confused.

It equates obviously. Tom was upset the balls weren’t deflated. Tom is a dick. Equipment guy jokes about over-inflating them, to get back at Tom, instead of doing his job by deflating them. Try reading it again. It’s really clear, unless you’re actively trying to misunderstand it.