
This is what happens when (almost) everybody decides to wear red to an audition to stand out. Note to self: Wear purple or green—that'll throw 'em off.

So, I've seen Jezzies ask for relationship advice before, but I've been solidly single for so long, I didn't think I'd get the chance.'s my story and advice solicitation. I recently started dating a blind man. He's really great and we have a lot in common. Anyone have experience, advice? He seems really

@daisyhalfwit: Not necessarily. When Emilio won that challenge, Heidi said she would wear it at some event, so she's just fulfilling that promise. And Jessica Alba is supposed to wear Anthony's dress at some event, can't wait to see that!

The only other TV appearance I would like to see with her would be on SuperNanny. She actually looks like she's doing an ok job, but with so many kids so young, as soon as you deal with one, another one is acting up. I saw Super Nanny give this one single mom with 6 kids some helpful tips.

OK, not only is the host's name spelled wrong but so is Jewelry (Jewelery) along with numerous other grammatical errors. Something tells me I would not get along in the PR world.

@MizJenkins: Also, your toe looks clenched, and please don't rotate in on your standing leg! The ballet teacher me wants to grab her by the waist and correct her alignment.

@gingergal7: It does sound like a kidney infection...I had similar symptoms last month and was particularly freaking out b/c even when I've had kidney infections, have not had the nausea. However, I am not pregnant! So here's hoping you get the same result.

@Phyllis Nefler: Oh, I forgot about the Blazers. My late '80's childhood was so awesome when they were doing really well. And I loved my 5th grade teacher who always wore red black and white when the Blazers were in the Playoffs. This, along with the awesome Centaur/Betty White Mercury Cover are making me miss

@jdawgg297: Toyota Corollas and Saturns have been very,very good to me. I don't know much about newer Saturns but I had a '96 one that was great and test drove a few from the early 2000's when trying to by a new car.

I feel worse for the poor dancers in silver unitards and crazy 1930's scuba diver helmets. You just know they started out 10 years ago wanting to work with Twyla Tharp or dance on Broadway and now they've got...this gig.

@LimitedQuantity: I know, I live in NYC and the first avenue quote made me cringe. First Avenue is pretty damn nice, divorced lady, you're not getting any sympathy points from me if you think 1st Avenue in Mother-f-in-Manhattan is the ghetto.

@collegelemur: Its a great benefit of having larger boobs. I stash cash in there when I am on the scary, scary NY subway. Even if I carry a purse, I sometimes feel safer that way 'cause a mugger will grab for your purse, not your boobs. As for keys or anything else questionable, a trick is to wrap them in a piece of

@AgainWithFeeling: Oh, Oregon Trail Memories...Thanks for the nostalgia, made my day. Since the hipsters are re-claiming everything from the '80's— is it now possible to play Oregon Trail again? I went to a hipster bar where pac-man was available....why not my favorite game? I promise to ford rivers and shoot

@Her Grace: Nerdfighter!: Well, yeah, I knew it was about sex tourism, but I didn't expect to see all the comments from lame airplane dude that sounded like my dad. Maybe I shouldn't have said "trigger warning" but the post upset me. Unnecessarily rude much?

I don't know if I'm unique in this, but I have to say this needs some kind of trigger warning. My dad had two, yes two mail order brides from Thailand and I just remembered why I no longer talk to him and how he "didn't have any money for my college" but had plenty to go to Thailand several times and marry women not

@BuffySummers: I'm from Portland and my dad had not one, but two "mail order" brides from Thailand. He also managed to make a bunch of white asshole friends in the Portland area who also had asian brides.

I miss teaching ballet sooo much.

Wait, what the he**? kids are already screwed up no matter how good of a parent you are. Why would you do this on purpose? Maybe to have something specific to blame your child's trauma on? Oh, the Swiss....neutral yet terrifying.

ack! its a stuffed bunny. I feel so ashamed of myself now for enlarging that Jolie photo. I thought they killed a real bunny. Time I will never. ever. get. back.

Can she adopt me?