
This is creeping me out b/c he looks just like a photo of my dad when he was like 16.

Do people remember the TV show "In Living Color"? #9 reminds me of the drunk homeless guy one of the Wayans brothers played, and always had his pants held up with a piece of rope. OH, nostalgia.

Where's the stencil to make your pubic hair say "Arbeit Macht Frei"?

@prismatism is Team Bella: The funniest thing my sisters-in-law ever did was get a stripper for my sister's bachelorette party. My sister's kind of prudish, and was not into it. Fortunately, the guy just stripped down to his boxers which had a big photo-print of her husband's face on them.

I don't get the Tina Fey hate for her comments. I have absolutely no problem with tattoos and have a rather large (may I say beautiful) one on my back. I thought Tina Fey was calling Tits McGee out for having ugly tattoos, which she does, not tattoos simpliciter

@ParkPlace: Re: walking across campus: get pepper spray! And hold it at the ready whenever walking. sometimes just having it visible will be a deterrent. I got mugged last summer and now always carry the spray in plain sight if it is later on at night.

@KimberleeJean: damn, beat me to it, I was feverishly searching google images for this

I just cracked myself up more by comparing this to the passive aggressive note from a kid to her mom posted earlier. "I hate you mom! You know I never leave the UWS! You are a poopy-face and I hope you never get to eat sushi again!!!" Also, how do you get bedbugs on the subway?

Aaah, I'm going to quit reading spoilers!

As a law student, I don't really get the Express hate, they have decent professional clothes. And I don't get how grad students with crushing debt are supposed to have expensive-looking suits. That said, for an interview I do go as conservative as possible with banana republic and/or Ann Taylor—it just looks a little

All my cats were super private about giving birth. As many times as we tried to set up a basket with blankets for them and try to watch the birth, they would always manage to go do it in some dark closet at night when everyone was asleep. I kind of doubt they would like this phenomenon.

Any one who sends me an e-mail that reads simply "hi" will never get a response ever. This is one of those self-evident things that apparently half the guys online dating do not get.

@Fetuseatus: I am jealous! I've already watched all of 6 feet under. I wonder if its been long enough that I could watch it again and get some shadow of that same original enjoyment. Also, did not know the same producer did True Blood, will have to check it out.

@holeyroller: I've been there, and although I might get some criticism for this, I really feel that at the point you are at nothing is going to work but the right meds. Find the right meds, and then, ideally, go to a therapist. But at the point at which you are right now, it is a chemical issue and only chemicals

@ytuhermanotambien: a tube top that covers the tummy, with a relatively long skirt, an optional cardigan over-top, and a bra if you need it is the essence of non-trashy tube-top wearin'

My usual uniform that has been working well for me is a black skirt with a nice quality blouse and/or t-shirt. You can do endless variations on this if you own 3-4 black skirts and a bunch of nice tops. I always get nice silk blouses from banana republic on sale. The two piece ensemble works well as my top/bottom

Whats that kid named? Mango?

@loosesealbluth: oh, no, did not know that....along with their bad pizza, another reason to boycott. Thanx!

@CaptainUnderpants-FighterOfApathy: I'm currently watching this episode, and it is breaking my f'ing heart so much I had to take a break and look at jezebel. So glad to hear the same sentiments. Corey is such a great dad, I hope he gets a good lawyer if Leah doesn't cooperate re: visitation. Usually with any teen