
When does The Takeout’s regular stream of news come back?

“Maria Sharapova will miss French Open because Organizers Don’t Like Drug Cheats”

They think he’s a great captain for the same reason he got five gold gloves with a -9 defensive WAR: NY media machine.

They’re writers, not brain surgeons.

What is an alt-weekly anyway?

Ronaldo is the wold’s best player and has the four ballons d’or to prove it...

...Then get all coked up and drown in the tub!


Hooray for Affirmative Action!

He says he’s straight, but, c’mon...

Someone who speaks in complete sentences?

She’ll be blowing guys behind the Arbys for $5 in a couple years.

Zero evidence.

Wow. What a petty, jealous article.

NWI: exactly.

On the plus side, you’re no longer forced to buy something you may not want or need (health insurance). Bill’s a winner.

There’s no end to judicial overreach.

That’s the left’s answer to everything.

What about the argument that he didn’t actually do it?

you lost me at “prestigious Glad Award”.