
Did I need to do a more story about them?

Did I need to do a more story about them?

Awesome response. This should be an article on the main page.

Awesome response. This should be an article on the main page.

I think flying through rings might be worse than falling into wells.

I haven't see anyone mention Shattered Memories, but it's easily my favorite after 2. Highly recommended if Origins and Homecoming left you disenchanted with the series.

There are six things I'm mad about.

Everything about that video was wonderful.

Some things I hated about Hugo while still liking movies:

I think Russia's problem is worse because it isn't just a straight plutocracy. The bloated security services, which Putin hails from, are deeply intertwined with private business in the country. It would be hard for rule of law to eventually triumph if the law enforcers are the chief stakeholders in the current system.

Agreed on that scene. Out of all the 00s superhero movies it might be the best standalone action sequence. Shame about the rest of the movie though.

I was bummed when I read about how Namco Bandai copped out on the online, but I got invaded every time I was alive and never had trouble invading people. I never joined any of the online-focused covenants though-which is probably where I would have noticed the online failings the most.

I'd say there is a bigger disconnect because Uncharted attempts to tell a *relatively* more grounded story.

I know, I saw that. I've played the game twice. If I was throwing someone off a 500 foot cliff into rocky waters below I wouldn't assume they would be fine; I'd assume I was murdering them.

Like the Turkish museum guard that Drake threw off a cliff. He probably beat his girlfriend or something.

Lazarevi: How many men did you kill today, Drake?!
Drake: Oh, I dunno, like 1500 or so. *giggles*

Galaxy Quest is the ultimate answer to most questions.


Watched it repeatedly as a kid. Watched it as an adult and thought, "Wait so what was good about this movie again?" Batman Returns on the other hand…