
I pre-ordered a PS5 because I need a PS4 (my son has taken mine over). Otherwise I would have waited a year. But there’s no reason to sink $300.00 minimum into a PS4 slim that is hard to find anyway.

You’re just a big baby.

This Nintendo Switch is going to kill me financially as a 3ds replacement. 3 kids, 3 switches, tons of expensive accessories, cracked screens, $60 games.

But active characters in video games are thin because they are in good shape from magicking and throwing lightning and running and jumping. Are there any fat males in video games?

Games are not art. They do contain lots of art, though.

I still have nightmares about having a top-line PC and graphics card and not being able to run a game I was waiting years for, due to some error, and spending entire weekends to get it to run or give up.

He wasn't very nice to Garth or the Church Lady

Well good for you, Mr. Fancypants videogame player.

I don’t have enough money to buy this new card and a computer it can work with.

The Horror!

Good point. Also, why did Apple wait so long to reject the game? There must be a lot of wasted time and money in this situation.

Well, the older I get the less I can see the action on the screen, That’s another reason, right? Lack of physical buttons?

Good for Apple. The game is full of despair and violence to a child. It’s very disturbing. Good game, but should probably stay on PC so kids (wel, mine) are less likely to play it.

“Linkle”? Cringe and cringe some more.

You’re just realizing this now? Elmo ruined Sesame Street 20 years ago!

unfortunately, most racism is institutional. while the number of individual racists may be decreasing, the system is still rigged against some minorities. In terms of the law, it’s called “disparate impact”—it's not willful, it's based more on inaction.

ok, RICH white males.

He’s famous! He's famous! Really, it's true! Whee!

ugh...thought I accidentally posted an old high school essay...

It’s a Bethesda game, it’s a big open world game, jank is expected.