
It’s the only way to be sure.

Based on what he says, if any of that sweat is on his back he is gonna get deported.

Because cocaine is famously unavailable in Miami. 

I’ll bet that if you go to any of these “that’s racist” folks’ social media accounts, you’ll find the phrases “too PC”, “snowflakes”, “can’t joke anymore”, etc.

American soldier here, and I’m sorry to say, but protests don’t come when they are convenient for the disaffected. They are spectacles intended to grab the attention of those not paying attention. And kneeling during the anthem?...come on. It’s a racist song designed to play on the self-serving, blind allegiances of

I’m still not convinced that picture isn’t some kind of Weird Al parody shot from 1985.

What a waste of a cool helmet. 

I thought that was Mercedes?!

Opulence ... I has it.

On the one hand, I agree with Jim.

I know you’re just teasing him, but Elway has proven time and again that he’s the glue that holds this team together. 

i want to put this sticker on all of these trucks:

I’ve been waiting for this.

The Stampeders are fine, but I like turtles.

Call me when someone decides to wear this facepaint

“BRC owner Stephen Gore...”

Boris Johnson’s favorite part about EuroLeague basketball is watching Europeans get punished for traveling

And the tennis ball would have a higher IQ than the two dipshits playing.

Now playing

Ugh. She’s at senior pageant level, and still fucking up like she’s in the teen pageant leagues. It makes me long for the halcyon days of Miss Teen South Carolina and Miss Utah. Clearly, this is a problem with our educational system, like, such as...

Doubtful.  Gran Turismo was already a thing before FnF