
Anyone arguing for anything other than 10 needs to be placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold.

The fact EA are the Konami of this sports market never ceases to bring me joy.

Can you imagine if everyone (or even most people) just *stopped* paying attention to him? No acknowledgement in person, no one talking about him, no one going to rallies (well his dumbfuck base would never let this one happen), no one talking about if he is lying or not...

I saw that too!!! OMG.

Unfortunately the Supreme Court has ruled that cops can be too stupid to understand the law and still be in the right, and police departments can legally prevent smart people from becoming cops in the first place.

Also, I’m fucking amazed that these people let cops into their house without a warrant, dug through their own trash to give them evidence, AND provided them with identification so they could check for warrants. The proper response would have been to tell Officer Drug Dog to fuck right off and to then call your lawyer.

At second, the fielder at least can see the threat coming. Blindside bullshit like this, knowing full well that going after the legs is illegal BECAUSE it’s dangerous, is an overt attempt to injure. Fuck Rizzo, fuck Maddon, fuck the Cubs, and fuck the mouthbreathers who defend this shit. Oh, and fuck the on-field and

He changed his pathway for the purpose of initiating contact. He is out 4 steps before he gets to the base. The fielder is a step and a half off the base. He runs inside the baseline, towards the fielder. He is not avoiding a tag or taking a more efficient route. He is looking to make contact with a fielder to benefit

something tells me that these “old school” baseball rules will suddenly disappear from the cubs lexicon when Rizzo see’s a four-seamer coming at his head.

Usually breaking up a double play involves the guy covering second throwing to first, meaning he’s STARING DIRECTLY AT THE RUNNER who’s trying to knock him over.

The auction and trading mechanic is important.

MEET. THE. FEEBLES. look it up. You’ll never look at Peter ‘Lord of the Rings” Jackson the same way again.

Avenue Q looks like Sesame Street compared to it.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Clearly this guy just wished he was a little bit taller, wished he was a baller, wished he had a girl who looked good, so he would call her.

“Endangered everyone’s lives”
Being drunk/high is a fair thing to complain about, but sounds like Ms. Gorman is the type of person that wants to “speak to your manager” when you tell her there’s no sales going on.

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, and the simple answer is the correct answer: the Browns don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and this is further evidence of it.

In his next at bat, the kid was beaned by Justin Verlander

Pretty much, yeah. Voting for that award is notoriously sketchy anyway: Palmeiro won a gold glove one year when he was a DH.