
You’re kind of glossing over what happened between EA and 2k in regards to the exclusive licensing. 2k launched all their 2k5 sports games at $19.99, EA got mad because 2k was embarrassing Madden in sales due to the price gap (49.99 vs 19.99) and within a month of the games coming out Madden dropped to 39.99 to try

You expect people to learn? In 2018? You’ve gotta go back in time for that. Nowadays people just react to things they see, put zero thought into their reactions before belching them out online, then get agitated when even a single person disagrees with their inane opinion.

Baltimore, December 31, 2017, 4th and 12 with 53 seconds left...

You have had Super Bowl Champion, Jeff Fisher...for 33 years. He won one as a player with the Bears in ‘85. He was on IR the whole season, and his career was over after it, but the man does have a Super Bowl ring.

Jesus, those Mariota interceptions are painful to watch. Most QB’s have INT’s that are tipped, or the WR fell down, or something. Not Mariota, no sir! 80% of those picks were thrown without a receiver in the same zip code. It’s as if he doesn’t know what color jerseys he’s supposed to be throwing to.


If only the White Sox were playing the Padres...

You can’t because rotations aren’t set in stone. The team could just say they weren’t going to pitch him anyway, or they changed the rotation, or he has a phantom injury. Or they could just as easily come out and say that as punishment they intended to make him start 5 games in a row, and then the suspension would be

Disgustingly, Trump won. Something the Browns can’t really say they do more than once every two years. I know where you were trying to go with that, but the fact that one has been...I use this term with great hesitance...’Successful’ and the other is the Browns, kind of kills the comparison.

I think it’s far less sinister than you’re implying. To me the reasoning is two-fold:
1) The salary-caps in sports dictate than when one player takes as much as they can get it can lead to an overall weakening of the overall team as there’s less money to go around, that coupled with the fact that even the lowest paid

Using NaturesFist’s analogy however, the Marlins have existed for 25 years, in those 25 years they’ve won 2 World Series titles. They didn’t just make the World Series, they actually WON, unlike Vegas.

Fake News, Deep State, Regular folks, Desperate...I just need one of them to say either ‘tremendous’ or ‘uuge’ to complete my card of “GOP buzz-word bullshit bingo!

The ONLY people that even pretend to believe the “you can’t try to get a hit if you’re down late but the pitcher has a no-hitter going.” one are uppity members of the pitcher’s team. No one on the getting-no-hit side thinks that way. If they do, they don’t deserve to be on a major league team. No one wants to be

That’s why the Seniors all still play just as well as they did in their 20's right? Oh, wait, they don’t? I wonder why that is? Just because it isn’t the most taxing of athletic endeavors doesn’t mean it isn’t, in itself, an athletic endeavor.

She tried her breast to elevate the team’s mood. Easily one of the most dedicated fans in the areola...I mean arena.

There wasn’t a trial, he pleaded guilty so as to avoid one. So she never had to do anything you just described. I don’t know enough about the case (nor do I want to) to reliably formulate an opinion on Heimlich’s innocence or guilt. However, without a trial the little girl never would of had to keep her story straight

“But like the rest of Paradox’s games, some of Ted’s work on Millennium Dawn has been embraced by the fringes of the ultra right-wing.”

Sesame Workshop: “We regret that our fans and families have been confused by STX’s marketing campaign.” 

There is no ‘hero’ or ‘villain’ in this scenario, they’re both assholes. Often life isn’t filled with clear hero and villain scenarios. Clearly the golfer was that kid in elementary school who’d tattle on anyone for the slightest misstep, and he never grew out of it. In addition, the caddy was clearly the kid in

I’ll defend the guy on one point you made. You do realize that baseball is played during the spring and summer right? Evening game or not the sun was almost certainly out on the way to the game. I don’t blame anyone for bringing their sunglasses in with them, evening game or not.

Now if he was wearing his sunglasses