
I use MotionX GPS when driving out of town. It reports the speed limit of the road you're on and your current speed and is simply the best at calculating your time of arrival.

Here's one I got of a rain shower.

I'd love that feature. I'd also like live weather warnings when you're about to drive into a line of storms. If we can get live traffic, we should be able to get live weather.

Be careful. Any time...are you sure?

I'm guessing we'd nuke them from a sub or two.

Same here. My DSLR's tended to stay home unless there was a special occasion. The MILC's have equal or better quality than most APS-C DSLR's with a fraction of the weight and size.

That's what I do during the summer. I leave the luggage in the trunk of my car for two or three days to kill any critters that may have stowed away.

Your phone hasn't been "worn down by normal use," it's been worn down by abuse. Is that how you treat your car?

I noticed my error after it was too late to edit. It should have read, "see the word on some asshole..."

I wish the internet would let the word "goatse" die. It's something I don't think about until I see it on some asshole website. Truth..."what has been seen cannot be unseen."

I've found two Apple Maps errors in my city and tested them with Here Maps. On one, Apple Maps is about 200 feet off but Here was two blocks off. On the second error, they were both off by about the same distance but Here gave better directions.

That's not how I remember the 90's. But yeah...awkward.

ignore. accidental post.

I have a wife and three kids. That's 5 iPhones and 5 iPads and three iPod touches. The only problem I've had with iOS 6 was updating my son's iPad to 6.01 from 6.0. Ultimately, I updated his iPad through iTunes. Otherwise, everything has worked fine.

I've had my unibody MBP for almost 4 years. I installed an SSD and pulled the optical drive to install a 1Gb hard drive. Everything is super fast and I have no intention of replacing it until it dies. Like my high-end Sony TRV30, you get what you pay for. Ultimately, the camcorder died to obsolescence but the laptop

Tablets are better for reading, watching and playing games but are not laptop replacements.

MacBook Pro is the most expensive but I really don't consider it a gadget.