
Not in our lifetime. My wife is Canadian and can tell you ALL about how their system sucks! Thanks God for Trump.

say if/else one more time I dare you

And while you’re cocking the bow for another shot, the guy with a gun just put three rounds into you.

Wow this is a pretty good list. Only comment: I know you said no gun, but I would recommend some way to defend yourself. Human decency goes right out the window when someone is starving. If you are walking to West Virginia, you will run into desperate people. Guns can be put in safes where kids can’t get in, but if

You have to pay people to haul that away...

If the job was fun, they wouldn’t have to pay you to do it. It’s called a hobby.

Travelpro Maxlite3 Expandable Spinner

Travelpro Maxlite3 Expandable Spinner

You already know the answer:

You already know the answer:

I don't think it was out of fear of getting hit. He may have quit at that moment though.

I fell in love with Linda from Freaks & Geeks, seeing her as Velma...

yeah, Dope’s the top of my list, but who knows maybe I’ll be super bored one day and just watch both Scooby Doo movies back-to-back

This is probably the most balanced review on this matter that I’ve read on the whole internet. Probably this is the most balanced review in the Universe. Thanks for that.

This is so true. I have zero practical purpose for this but it’s one of my favorite gadgets.

This is so true. I have zero practical purpose for this but it’s one of my favorite gadgets.

Romo gets no credit for that perfectly managed drive to win?

Oh, so I guess I've been doing it wrong since 2004, huh? My pro account isn't worth shit, you say? Those tens of thousands of photos I've uploaded don't count, eh? My 300 contacts are also doing it wrong, as are the 400+ people who call me a contact? My photos published in TIme, Mother Jones and all manner of other

"As I scroll down I note that friend after friend has quit posting...on other networks (Path, Facebook, Instagram) ...they tend to be very active. I see photos of the same people, with their same children and their same dogs..."

I was just about to type something to this effect. I think Flickr has it's niche; people for whom the photography is more important than what people had for lunch.

I don't know what you're talking about, friend Matt. Facebook and Instagram are for point and shooters. People snapping with their phones. Flickr has become a place where people who take photography more seriously go. It's the only place on the web I can think of where you can find a lot of flim scans. Flickrs groups