Choice C could have been to make the retail price $200 and offer an introductory instant rebate of $100 or $50 for the rest of the year. That way people get a deal for something that isn't cheap.
Most of the printer manufacturers have iOS apps for printing to non-airprint printers. Have you checked the MS Marketplace for an app from your printer manufacturer?
I still have one of those. I have absolutely no use for it but it's just too nice to throw away.
If they're so "unified," why can't you name all the desktop and tablet OS's? It seems more like a clusterfuck than unification. Although, they're forcing live tiles on us from every angle. They're rushing products to market because they fell so far behind.
It's so inelegant to have a cheap thumb drive hanging off a beautiful tablet. The usb port should be used for transferring documents back and forth, not as an external storage that makes the tablet useful.
Take care bro. That's one massive storm.
When a hurricane is coming, we board up AND evacuate. That's the only option, IMHO.
I'd go nuts without the water. The coast keeps us cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It provides wonderful food and recreation. When a storm comes, we board up the house and evacuate. It's a trade-off I'm willing to make.
We bought some GreenBags that claim to keep fruits and veggies fresh and make the same claims about respiration and CO2 buildup. We put bananas in a bag and while they looked fresh for longer, they aged normally under the skin. Beautiful banana...rotten inside.
The tortilla had much more potential before she sliced it.
The Mini will have a sharper screen than the iPad 2 because the resolution is the same but in a smaller package. If I were in the market to upgrade my iPad 2, I'd seriously consider a Mini with LTE.
I'm not sure how well directional sound will reduce sound throughout the house but my sound bar has a setting for vocals. We typically use that setting because we can hear the voices clearly and keep the volume down.
Dude...chill. I have no problem with Texas highways. The exits don't lead to side roads unless there's construction.
It was widely reported that Apple would refresh every iDevice to a Lightening Connector. What made you think they'd refresh the new iPad with only a new connector? I even told a few people to hold off on an iPad until the Mini was released because of possible upgrades.
The Verge has a hands on review of the iPad Mini. Like most Apple products, they need to be held to be appreciated. Without ever touching a Mini, I think Giz jumped the gun on this comparison.
Yeah, Shakespeare in Love was a great movie and she played the part very well. She was in the right place at the right time and the academy loves women who go topless. Dropping the top in a dramatic movie is like extra credit.
She's one of the worst actresses in movies today. She's been nothing but annoying in the Iron Man movies.
Take a picture of them and chuckle a little.