
Cardio, beware of bathrooms, seat belts, double tap...etc.

Best of luck to you (seriously). I've purchased apps simply to support small developers. I supported all the pre-iTunes Store jailbreak app developers by purchasing their apps when they ported to the iTunes Store. Now go make us some new games!

I could see this consuming massive bandwidth, up and down. Bandwidth is a bitch. My son gets pissed when he's on x-box and we're watching a streaming movie at the same time.

The problem for developers, new and old, is that the general app market is already saturated with quality apps. You can bet all the popular apps for iOS and Android will be ported over to WinRT in a reasonable amount of time. I'm not saying there isn't room for developers to create new and novel apps, only that there

My 5 arrived today and it's awesome. Apple maps has been spot on in Texas. I've used it quite a bit on my 4s just for testing purposes, even when i know the directions. It's fast and I haven't encountered any bugs or bad directions. Just my personal experiences...

I hope that was an autocorrect foul-up.

"...if we all ate better and exercised." This.

This reminds me of an old SNL skit: "Every 15 seconds, a man is mugged in New York. We will now meet...that man."

You win!

I'd hate to drop that sucker.

PassSource is for businesses that want to advertise their products and services. It's free to the end users who subscribe to the coupons or discounts. Passbook is free and the services offered to Passbook are free.

The most important addition for me is the badge app icon for Reminders. I couldn't believe it was left out in the prior OS. I love getting scores and stats from Siri. My 4S also feels snappier. Maps is OK. I can manage without Google Maps for now.

I gave Waze a fair try. I love the concept and really wanted to like it but ultimately, Waze fell short in search, routing and rerouting. Also fyi, one of MX's new features is live traffic. Plus I've gotten hooked on the live Speed Limit / current speed feature.

MotionX GPS is far superior to Waze. It's $1 for the app and $10/ yr. for turn by turn but it's well worth the money. I ran Waze and MotionX concurrently for a few days and Waze would oftentimes give strange directions while MotionX was always spot on. Waze had a hard time rerouting to the next shortest route. With

It appears to be an NEX-7 wrapped with expensive skin.

I first noticed it when I learned to juggle. The balls seemed to "float" and that sensation was increased with practice. When I go several months without juggling, I have to focus hard to slow the balls down.

I did the math on our Family Plan and the shared data plan is slightly cheaper. We lose unlimited data on two iPhones but gain shared data on three iPhones and two iPads instead of the basic data plans on those five devices.

Nope. I set up a dummy facebook account for logins but only used it once. Strange thing is I get emails saying I want to be friends with myself. I feel it's best to give FB as little information as possible.

We should watch Australia and the results of their gun control laws. So far, the statistics aren't good but it hasn't been long enough for a proper assessment.

Me too but when you click on an article, you still see the side-bar. It'd be better if they'd drop the side-bar for articles to give more width for the comment section.