For me, free 2 day shipping on Prime eligible products is the main reason for having Prime and Instant Video is a rarely used bonus.
For me, free 2 day shipping on Prime eligible products is the main reason for having Prime and Instant Video is a rarely used bonus.
I get that warning on my jailbroken iPad but it works fine on my daughters non-jailbroken iPad. Did you jailbreak?
That's exactly how I handle it. I've gotten more warnings than tickets. I'd like to add: if you get pulled over at night, roll down the windows and turn on the interior lighting.
I hadn't thought of that. The wireless radio probably uses more power than the key lock mechanism.
They run for about eight months then give out without a low battery warning. We have two electronic locks that integrate with our home automation system. Web access, iPhone app, 3G plus landline. It's an impressive system but the electronic locks could be improved if hard wired with a battery backup
I really don't want my friends spamming my FB news feed with their Bing searches and I'm definitely not going to spam them.
Is it possible to control this camera without the touch screen? I often turn off the touch screen on my 5N because I've inadvertently changed key settings in the middle of the day. As an example, I accidently changed the ISO settings yesterday and took about 4 pictures at ISO 12,800. This never happens with the…
I have a NEX5n and couldn't imagine using a mirrorless camera without a tilting screen or EVF. I'd seriously consider the F3 or 5N over this.
Comments are now deleted quietly. I know because I replied to a comment that was later deleted.
+"one thousand"
Hell no.
That's exactly what we do.
Thick rib-eye steaks with a Char-Broil Infrared grill.
I really don't like the commenting system and The Verge because of how it's nested and doesn't post who you're replying to but it's possible to scroll through a lot of comments in just a few seconds. This system is click, click, click. etc.
The problem is that it takes way too many clicks to read the comments now. I've spent a little time getting to know the new system and have a pretty good grasp of how it works but it takes too much effort to navigate the comments.
I much prefer the blog view. Sad that it's disappearing.
The Syma S107 is the best bang for the buck and it has a cult-like following. With the metal construction, it looks way better than the Air Hogs toy.
Jack-O'-Lantern patterns.
It was in the SJ biography. It's funny because people thought SJ just made up the story about Gretzky saying it.