
Love Steve Jobs or hate him, he had a unique wisdom. He was fond of saying, "you don't skate to where the puck is, you skate to where the puck is going." In most of its products, MSFT is still skating to the puck. Kinect is one of the only products that isn't playing catch-up.

Those keyboards look pretty awkward to type on. Perhaps better than an onscreen keyboard but below an ultra book. I'm reserving my judgement until I try one out. Glad to see some creativity though.

FaceTime over 3G works on the iPhone 4 with 3G Unrestictor, among others. There's even an optimization tweak to increase the quality over 3G and it works very well.

I've been taking digital photos since 1999 so my photo and video archive is enormous. My laptop does four backups every day...two at home and two at my business. I'd rather keep the archive in one place for backup purposes yet I still desire the speed of an SSD. A two drive system is perfect. I bought a case for the

Optibay is, by far, the best way to go. Speed and massive capacity is the best of both worlds.

One of the above galleries has a couple photos with the amazing OLED viewfinder attached.

It's also not as heavy as a DSLR. I sold my Nikon D90 because I got tired of lugging it with a bag of lenses around. I bought a NEX5N and am VERY happy. Because my camera bag is much lighter, it's gets way more use than the D9o ever did. To sum up the trade-offs, the D90 can get some shots the 5N can't and the 5N gets

Most stoves have a start/stop timer which is essentially the same thing without the app. I've never used it because I'm not comfortable leaving raw meat in the stove for a few hours before it starts cooking but the feature is there.

My son has that model Razor and it's taken three years of abuse and still works perfectly. It was an incredible buy at $100. It was a great buy at full price.

Go to amazon and search for "rubber feet." They come in all sizes. Simply raising your gear with rubber feet is MUCH more attractive than putting a wire rack under your gear. It's also more cost effective.

I feel for you, seriously. And I understand what you are saying. This discussion has been and still is about the average person who is above their ideal weight. The cold reality is that more and more people are above their ideal weight and the trend is alarming. The original poster of this thread used the terminology

I was wondering if anyone was going to get that! +1

We need more "fat hate" in this country. Keep in mind, the hate is directed at the fat, not the person.

I have a late '08 unibody macbook with 128GB SSD for the OS, applications and documents folder. In the opti-bay, I have a 640GB hard drive with my music, photos, video and miscellaneous files that I don't need very often.

By that logic, the USA should be copying Iran instead of the other way around.

iMessage also texts other phones. You just don't get the delivery confirmation and read reciepts with SMS.

Nope. I wish logitech never bought Squeezebox.

These may be attractive but I much prefer my Squeezebox Radios. It may not have bluetooth or AM/FM but with thousands of radio stations including most terrestrial radio stations, Pandora, Slacker and Sirius, your music is limitless. You can also install server software and stream your music through wifi, and it be

You do have quite the propensity to put words in peoples mouths. First, Christian churches don't claim December 25 is the actual birth of Jesus. Second, the virgin birth is in the Bible. And third, stoning misbehaving kids is NOT in the Bible.

It's amazing how much you read into garrettb1's post and twisted what he said. To simplify...there will always be people on the fringe with regards to religion, politics, sports, etc that seem to lose their grasp of reality. You may not believe that Jesus is God and that's OK but Harld Camping disregarded the Bible