I'm sorry Bawwy...lol.
I'm sorry Bawwy...lol.
Malnutrition is the lack of nutrition. When we feel hungry, we desire food. Some people are hungry even with their body doesn't "need" food. But, yes eating the right foods in small amounts is important.
You can't lose weight if you're never hungry. It doesn't matter what anyone say's, hunger can't be avoided.
I think the problem was more about disclosure or, more accurately, nondisclosure of which foods included the pink slime. It's conceivable that our local supermarket could mix it with fresh ground beef and sell it as 100% ground beef which is misleading when our expectation is 100% fresh ground beef.
I completely agree with Tetsu000000. My parents went to an Apple Store because the 3G radio crapped out on their first gen iPad. Essentially, they had a bad experience and waited for a total of about 3 hours but they kept their cool and were always polite. The manager apologized and against the policy at the time,…
I was thinking the exact same thing.
Ha! To summarize this discussion, just about all tech blog readers know the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms and enjoy a playful debate. I kind of miss the assholery of years past.
The same could be said about peanut butter and jelly but it'd be wrong.
Did that movie ever get good? I gave up about half way through. I had a hard time staying awake.
"So you're saying I don't need to update the Windows OS to get the latest and greatest apps for my device?"
We charge our iPad 2's with these outlets. The iPad chimes and the charge indicator comes on.
We have two of these outlets. We regularly charge two iPad 2's and a Macbook Pro without issue. I give them my highest recommendation.
From the article: "Four major telecom operators in Europe, where the phones have been on sale since before Christmas, told Reuters the new Nokia Lumia smartphones were not good enough to compete with Apple's APPL.O iPhone or Samsung's (005930.KS) Galaxy phones."
Yeah, that's a strange comment. iMessage has been rock solid.
Why isn't this a violation of the terms of use?
I bought a bracket for my MacBook to replace the optical drive with a hard drive (640GB) and put an SSD (128GB) in the hard drive bay. The SSD has the OS, applications and documents and the 640 has the rest. I spent about $200 for the SSD and bracket and I already had the 640. It's a very worthy upgrade.
I remember doing the math and it wasn't very hard but I couldn't do it today to save my life.
VOTE: i.wund.com
I'll have to watch it again sometime. I was under the impression that the Death Star was orbiting the planet and waiting for a direct shot on the Rebel Base.
If the Death Star could destroy Alderaan in one shot, why did they have to wait until the rebel base was in range? The rebel base was in range as soon as the planet was in range. Strangely, it didn't bother me in 1977 but it bothers me now.