
I'd take the light saber if it came with the Jedi Mind Trick because the JMT, in our reality, would be much more powerful than any weapon....unless we're invaded by aliens.

The promote button isn't working again so I have to reply to promote. Both photos crack me up.

That really pisses me off. They should apply those extra months to the next upgrade but that'll never happen.

We bought iPad 2's for our three kids for Christmas and haven't regretted it for one second. They each use the iPads for fun and education and for a lot of things we didn't anticipate.

Isn't this the general consensus from all the iPad reviews? A solid upgrade from the first iPad but not worth it for iPad 2 owners.

Well, you know, two wrongs make a right.

Steve Wozniak built a small device to disrupt TV signals. He'd hold the button down until someone got up and smacked the TV. Then he'd do it again until someone adjusted the antenna. Then again until they held the antenna and stood with one foot off the ground and the other arm out. Those who knew what was going on

Same here. There's absolutely no way I'd give any website permission to root through my email.

Yeah, I brought it up because my friend used the True Lies reference when he was telling me about flying the Harrier.

I have a friend who used to be a Harrier pilot and he told me about the complicated start up procedure. He said there was absolutely no way Arnold schwarzenegger could have started up the Harrier in True Lies.

What's SES?

Because of our package, we had a Time-Warner DVR in a closet for two years. It was a cheap Chinese Yugo knock-off compared to our Ferrari TiVo. TiVo is a service that I pay for with a glad heart.

Our TiVo and WDTV both have applications but other than trying them out, we've never used them. Not once.

That's EXACTLY our story. We tried the cable company's DVR when we upgraded to HD but my entire family hated it so I bought an HD TiVo. It's WELL worth the annual fees.

This is what I bought.

For roughly the same price you can buy a 128GB SSD and a bracket to put your current hard drive in the optical bay...add about $20 for a USB enclosure for the optical drive.

Time Machine automatically backs up both hard drives. I don't know if it's even possible to exclude the second hard drive from the backup. I have the OS, applications, and documents on the SSD and everything else on the second hard drive. It took about 20 minutes to crack the computer, install the second hard drive

I haven't had any of those problems with my late '08 unibody Macbook. But maybe I don't have the lag issues because I replaced the hard drive with an SSD. I also replaced the optical drive with a hard drive. Lion has been a worthy upgrade IMHO.

I'm not being contrary, but what's wrong with Vimeo?

The Macbook Pro's need ethernet and the ability to upgrade the storage. These are not optional on a pro laptop.