Big Bubba Ray

Simply out of morbid curiosity, do you have any information about the crash that happened prior to the runway extension?

I live in St. Louis and happen to have $3,500 laying around. Might actually have to take a look at this.

Wes, what wheels do you have on your car? They look like Sparco Terras. I’m about to order a set of those for my 05 Outback!

Hey I saw those cars at the 100 Acre Wood Rally!

Holy shit that hole is gnarly. I think I missed that stage. At least you guys were able to make it all the way through!

Back in 6th grade. I had to write a history paper about anything of my choosing. My grandpa owns a 1991 Jag XJS and I'd always thought it was a beautiful car yet I knew nothing about it. I decided to write my paper on the history of Jaguar. My grandpa gave me TONS of literature on Jags in general and that's when

Yessir! I live in St. Louis.

Mine's a '72 as well! Definitely a rough car right now, but I have big plans for it in the future.

Very nice and thanks! They are ridiculously hard to find in good shape or even at all right now. I searched for seven months straight last year to find one. It's far from perfect, but exactly what I wanted.

Awesome! I've got a '72. Absolutely adore it. Yours looks to be an earlier model than mine. What year?

Is that yours?

That's gorgeous! What year? I've got a '72.

Let's turn this into a Z thread to commemorate Mr. Katayama. Here's mine!

You've got to hold them at high RPM to really get the most out of them. Keep them above 3,500 RPM and you're gonna have a good time.

Oh shit, I thought these had a kind of articulating/swivel frame like the old Dodge Power Wagons had!

Douchebag internet commenters coming iiiiiin....3....2....1


I would buy that in a second! How can we make this happen.

On fleek? Wut?

Crouching/shooting from another angle or distance would easily solve this.