Big Bubba Ray

Pardon my ignorance, but could somebody explain to me how two jets happen to collide with each other? Didn't this just happen in Italy or something a few weeks ago? How is it possible??

This and the V6 Camaro. Shit, let's throw the Mustang in too. These cars, IMO were made to have the V8.

The first 30 seconds of this video reminded me why I love RCR so much.

Those Bajas can scoot with a turbo.

Regret selling mine almost every day.

This. This would happen.

This ice bucket challenge has gotten way too out of hand. Don't get me wrong, it's a great cause, but people are now doing it solely to draw attention to themselves. This is a prime example.

You must have been the driver of that van that drove through the accident immediately after it happened.

That first picture is so goddamn AMERICAN.


No kidding. Extremely well played. McMike never fails to impress.

If there isn't a clutch pedal, it's not a manual.

That show has been out for a while but I've never taken the time to watch it. Is it worth watching?

One of these actually made it's way on to an episode of Seinfeld. I remember watching last week and discovering it. Shoutout to Jerry for being a Porsche fanatic.

I need another Baja. Raph, stop posting pics my wallet needs a rest!


Hilarious eBay write up! I'm loving these posts you've been making. Keep it up!

Le Car, you say?

Came here to say the same thing!