Big Bubba Ray

Whoa, brother! What's got you so salty this morning?


There's no way you could legally do it. I'm in the same boat as you. If some jackass told me to pay him for a parking spot, I'd tell him to go fuck himself.

I'm sorry I just don't see your point of view. If you just pay the meter, what's the problem? I know so many people that love to bitch about parking tickets. I tell them that if they simply slid two quarters in the machine while they got their coffee, they'd be ticket free.

Private citizens will only jack up the prices of the parking spaces. I'd never pay more than a dollar for parking, especially if I'm only going to use the spot for a short amount of time. Any asshole could use this app and ask a ridiculous amount for a space. I don't see how this could end well.

So you'd possibly pay, let's say $10, to some random dipshit to use a parking spot when you could just drop a few quarters in the meter?

Oh, the irony.

You're not calming my jealousy, Disco! haha

Damn you, Mark Webber, you handsome bastard. Your fast cars, loads of money and beautiful women don't make me jealous at all. Nope. Not at all.

You need to get one of these so the man can't, like, get into your head, man.

You, Farley and I are all somehow connected to Super Troopers.

Ironically for me, I posted this on Oppo the other day. Check it out really quick if you can.

Son of a bitch! I came here to post the same thing!

This. By far the worst car I've driven in my life.

Someone get Vince Megna on the case!

Ho Lee Fuk is by far my favorite.

My thinking is that the people in the far left lanes were yielding to traffic so they could take a left. I could be completely wrong, though.

I came here to post the same video haha