Big Bubba Ray

When you want to drop a 5.0 Coyote in one, call me.

You've read my mind. I've thought the same thing for as long as these have been around!

This is, without a doubt, the classiest and most bad ass thing I've seen in my lifetime.

This has recently become my favorite "I need dis" meme.

Now playing

My Baja Bug is pretty fucking loud. This video doesn't do it full justice, but you can get a taste. Neighbors hate it because it wakes them up when I start it up and drive away in the a.m. Cops hate it cause it's loud as shit and I'm unable to talk to passengers because of the wail of the exhaust.

Sweet Jesus I've soiled my pants. That is stunning.

I have no words. Not my cup of tea.

That's an Accord Coupe, bro.

Louis C.K.?

I'll be in touch shortly. Thanks!

Holy shit. How much and where can I look at these?

We can dream, I suppose!

This. I love imagining two of Ford's 3 cylinder Eco Boost engines together somehow to make a twin turbo inline 6. Good times could be had.

Your bunched panties are showing.

I agree with you on the plate scanners. I see no problem with them and I don't understand why they get everybody's panties in a bunch.

Welllllll, this is unnecessary. If you have a problem with his writing style or articles, just don't read them.

"Awesome! I can't wait to drive to the mall in this!" - every suburban mom and teenage girl