Big Bubba Ray

This is beside the point, but that is an AWESOME truck. Especially in the snow. Looks great!

I've actually had the complete opposite reaction. I hated this car when it debuted, but now? It's growing on me. I find this color to be extremely attractive as well.

"Why a Rental Car is the Fastest Car You'll Ever Drive"

I actually think its looks better in photos. The first time I saw one in person, I thought it was too small. I wish the wheel base were a bit longer, then it would be stunning.

But how many mbps do you actually get? I have Charter as well, in St. Louis, and I get probably 15 on a great day.

I agree. Kids shouldn't have to learn to balance on something like this. Start with a real bike. Buying this would just add steps to a kid learning how to ride a bike. I was riding bikes, no training wheels, when I was 4 years old. Give the kid a good push on a real bike and they will balance just fine.

No "first post" for Giz??

I was surprised by this too! It seems like a rather inefficient engine for a drone, but what do I know, I'm no engineer.

HEY. I like these cars.

I have the same watch! It is red in color, though. I absolutely love it. Nixon watches are fantastic.

You're an idiot.

Sweet Jeebus, I've been gone two days and Kinja has changed again. FFFUUUUUUU!

Is anybody else bothered by the fact that the "f"isn't centered in the app icon? Usually things like this don't bother me, but seeing it lately is really getting to me for some reason.


Fantastic video. Thanks for sharing.

Ya, I couldn't help but laugh the second I started watching this. Don't know why. This video in reverse would be hilarious.

Ummm, are you from St. Louis? Because if not, you wouldn't know what it was like. Yes, I am young, but I definitely remember. I was 21 at the time so I'm not imagining anything.

Two summers ago in St. Louis these horrible little fucks appeared. I remember lifeguarding that summer and having cicadas fly between my sunglasses and my face there were so many of them. I had to skim the pool every morning as well and I pulled out countless cicada carcasses. Stuff of nightmares, I'll tell you.