Big Bubba Ray

Nice find. Thats terrifying.

Hona Civics. I see too many of these damn cars with go fast spoilers, fart can exhausts and glued on body kits. This is a sensible, utilitarian, affordable car that too many high school idiots have turned into ricers. Maybe its not so much the car that tries to be cool as it is the owner.

This. This is a non-issue. Who the hell actually links their Facebook and Netflix? And for what reason?

Stop feeding the troll!

1:54. Couldn't stand another second.

Came here to say the same thing. More proof.

It still amazes me how many people don't get this joke.

Does anybody else dislike this McRib as much as I do? My whole family LOVES it and only visits McDonald's when they're available. I, personally, find them disgusting.

Now playing

This video is pretty funny, too. I saw this a few months ago, I think on Giz, and I was cracking up the whole time.

This doesn't answer his question. He was asking why people need any kind of knife on a plane. I, too, carry a pocket knife everywhere I go but I can't imagine needing one on an airplane. Any why would they allow small pocket knives but not box cutters? I don't understand the logic behind that.

My thoughts exactly.  It looked very much like an MDX in the first shot, but in subsequent footage it appeared to be an X5.  These pixelated cameras are hurting my head!

How is one diagnosed with synesthesia?

They are in desperate need of a thesaurus.

For some reason, I really cannot stand the look of that BMW concept.  The wrinkles! The vagina-esque "hood!"  Can you imagine how much noise that fabric would make while driving at, say, 50 mph?




Damnit! I came here to post the same thing. Greatest hatchback of all time, in my opinion.

+1. I don't think he realizes this car is headed to or from autocross.

Haha! By far one of the greatest gifs I have ever seen.