This whole article and the study cited are ridiculous. This is how they took their data:
This whole article and the study cited are ridiculous. This is how they took their data:
Did the task force even read the fucking report?
Keep whining constantly about rape dear, you'll make lots of friends for sure.
No sweetie, they actually do think that, And wash your stinky mouth out with soap.
Very lame, but expected.
Please warn the men you date that if you drink at all they're risking a rape charge if you have sex.
Yeah, yeah, braintard, there isn't anything in between. What a loon you are.
Trouble is that there is a push towards 0% BAC tolerance. Understandably given that the TWF don't want to be responsible at all.
The problem is that the "drunk line" according the Jezzies is anywhere they need it to be to support the rape charge of the moment. I've seen them claim someone might be too drunk after two drinks, whether or not they show it, because some are lightweights.
No, given the very limited context you have shown us, I don't think your mental state was adequate.
You do know what the word "verbally" means? Especially in the context here? What I said is someone can say "yes", whether or not you think that's legal consent.
Chinatown IS smelly and dirty. I'd never eat anything from most place in there.
Having sex is a decision. Deciding later that it was rape is also a decision, abet a stupid and dishonest one.
What you want to call rape after the fact is not rape. In the case of the story here, if she was passed out, she was raped. You want to call rape much more than that, and I'm not buying in, ever.
Thanks for the tip. She's far from unusual here.
Your statement makes no sense. The only person not able to consent verbally is the person who is passed out. The only way the whole statement makes sense is when discussing LEGAL consent. Someone drunk or drugged who is not passed out is physically able to consent.
Sorry, you see it here all the time. Again in this thread people have said it.
Sorry, I don't expect people to be walking breathalyzers. You do, and that's the problem. If someone is able to verbalize consent I really don't care as a juror how drunk they might have been.
They tend to do that around here if you don't buy their third-wave women as children feminist bullshit.