
Sex isn't about someone doing something to you. You can damn well consent to sex while intoxicated (which means "has been drinking") in every world but that in which women have no responsibility for themselves or their decisions. Someone passed out can't consent. If you choose to have sex while intoxicated you are

In this case, yes, that's true. In the general case, no, it isn't if both parties are still active, not incapacitated. The fact is that third-wave feminists want to absolve themselves of ALL responsibilities for the decisions they make while drinking.

Nope. You are misreading it. It doesn't say the people were passed out. It is using the legal definition of being unable to consent.

Someone just did say exactly that on this very thread. Y_albatross.

Need reading lessons?

Settle your ass down.

There we go, MissAndry. Someone claiming exactly what I said.

I agree. This particular case seems pretty clear to me as well.

Next time it happens, I will point it out. Not sure if I can find it in the past.

Happens all the time here. Just about every rape article where drinking was involved.

This. The covering of the security camera shows both intent and a reasonably working brain on his part. Clearly he knew he was doing something wrong.

It seems like an interest in sex would disappear somewhere before that point in my experience.

Because third-wave feminists have women the same as large children.

You're missing the point. The argument pushed on Jezebel is that a woman can't ever consent to sex if she's been drinking. The man is automatically guilty of rape. I'm not talking about this case or any other case where someone is passed out BTW.

Sorry. The argument here is usually exactly the opposite. The women is never responsible for the decisions she makes while intoxicated.

It seems to make a lot of women around here have sex when sober they wouldn't have.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means, dear.

Cocaine and Amphetamines? No. Spare me. Your list is not credible at that point.

Hardly. The H1 receptors don't work like that.

Rubbish. Antihistamines make you sleepy, not pass out. She drank too much.