
Protecting jobs just because they’re jobs isn’t enough though. If automated trucks can do the job and for less, they WILL replace truckers. (So far? Not exactly worried. Still can’t make a robot that can flip a burger...)

Newsom made the right choice. Any truly driverless trucks are going to have to go through extensive testing before they’re ever allowed on the roads in California without a safety driver, so a blanket ban isn’t anything more than an attempt at preserving pointless make-work jobs.

I love how over the course of writing Community Harmon initially thought he was Jeff but gradually came to realize he was Abed. Harmon doesn’t strike me as the best manager—if anything, what I wanted was for Justin and I both to be able to be increasingly lazy and not show up for work”—and his behavior toward Megan

I know Harmon has made mistakes, but I’m always happy that he has a complete self awareness of his own faults and seems to make genuine efforts to improve himself.

“Oh, Harmon brought in his Harmon writers.”
That right there...Justin could have brought in his own writers. Or written more himself. He was co-creator and executive producer of the show, there was nothing stopping him.

But he didn’t seem interested in that. By all the accounts I’ve seen (including Harmon’s), Justin

Roiland looks like the kinda manchild who brings a board game no one has heard of to a house party and throws a tantrum when no one wants to play.

Congrats Brownell, you’ve surpassed Torchinsky for stupid article subjects. 

Jalop has officially jumped the shark.

I hope Emma Roberts stubs her toe really bad today, like to the point where the nail folds back and it looks all weird and gross and it’s painful for over a week.

Wasn’t she also caught on camera assaulting her ex-boyfriend (and sometimes AHS co-star) Evan Peters?

Emma Roberts has a reputation for being like this on set so yeah, it probably did.

Emma Roberts comes off, both on screen and in real life, as an incredibly entitled and unlikable person. I have no idea if this happened at all or exactly or close to what Ross said, but I find it difficult to give Roberts the benefit of the doubt.

Actual rape test, police report, vivid description, Brands apologetic texts. Not full blown evidence for a court of law, but way more than enough for court of public opinion.

have come to Brand’s defense, including Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and Andrew Tate.

I honestly never understood how he got famous. He’s always been an unfunny jackass, now he is an unfunny jackass that is always lecturing people.

Oh, well if ELON supports him... he’s definitely GUILTY (Seriously. NOT said in sarcasm).

Have they considered stapling flyers to telephone poles in the greater Charleston, SC, area?

Russell Brand, seen here really leaning into his Broseph the Vampire persona.

the jet was still in auto-pilot mode when the pilot ejected”

“I thought better of him!” At press time, we don’t know why she thought better of a guy who posted a picture of the bras thrown at him at concerts...”