
Which just proves you didnt read past the headline...

I don’t know if I’ve ever been on a journey like this in video games, or ever will again.

The poll question in question seems to be the most asinine question ever — until you understand the real (dog-whistling) context behind it.

“I don’t favor boycotts in most cases...” — Scott Adams, 02-27-23

This just in: angry narcissists insist that the problem isn't them, it's everyone that's specifically against them. More at 11, when we confirm irrefutably that water is still wet despite insistence otherwise from certain populations.

I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job. She was throwing herself all-in in hopes of great rewards. All the antiwork/anti-capitalist rhetoric these days shuns such behavior but a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the

As a developer, this is a well-understood situation, and easily resolved.

I agree. Even if its not fabricated, they will mend their egos, to end the series. More than likely, since this is a 2-parter, Dom is going to lose some of his family, get his butt handed to him, and need help.

I 100% still believe the Vin Diesel/The Rock drama is mostly fabricated, and he’s coming back in the next movie (or even the end credits scene of this movie) to a thunderous applause.

Still wish they would have called it Fast10 Your Seatbelts.

There are three Academy Award Winners in this movie. Three.

I love how silly these are.

He’s really talented at making me hate Elon Musk

This grown ass man called a fucking meeting of skilled engineers because he wasn’t getting enough attention. I have never heard one thing about Musk I would consider even a mildly redeeming quality (and I’ve heard things about Trump that I consider mildly redeeming qualities). It sucks to get fired, but I have to

Harmon is undoubtedly an asshole at times, but doesn’t want to hurt people (he’s just self-centered, which goes far in Hollywood).  Roiland, sadly, seems to have more of Rick in him, and just rolled over people putting his own damn desires first.  

Oh sure. John K abused his employees for YEARS, but no one felt like they could speak up about it publicly because he was John F-ing K.

This is pure speculation, but I consider that when called out for abusing his power in the writer’s room he came clean with a direct, self-reflective apology. I think maybe while Harmon’s a super messy individual, he knows that doesn’t fly in the workplace and is open to accountability

I’m a huge fan of the show and never wished for its cancellation, but I certainly had my doubts/questions about what it would look like going forward. I was pretty firmly in the camp that this was going to really impact the feel and writing of the show. Seeing that at this point all he’s really doing is voicing

Such a sad group. They spend all their time in this very focused echo chamber where they are told that everything they dislike about their lives is the fault of women and it just feeds on itself in an infinite loop, getting worse every day. Of course no woman in her right mind is going to want to spend time with you

What always gets me about these fucks is that I know someone with cerebral palsy who’s had a couple of girlfriends. To be clear: He’s wheelchair bound. Smart guy. Can barely control his arms, and most people need training to understand his speaking consistently. And yet, he’s smart and he’s had a few relationships