
World’s Biggest Dumb Reply Guy.

WTF, Elon. You own Twitter. You have access to the black box that contains all this info.

I gotta say: name-dropping your monolithic employer to support your statement is a bold strategy. Imagine if you were accused of flashing your dinger to patrons at the drive-thru window and was like “McDonalds and I are very disappointed in these baseless accusations”.

Oh, Tim. STFU before you ram home just how terrible you really are. As if we needed more proof.

“All of us at Disney/ABC”

Yeah, that's 100% how an abuser talks.

She’s a fun girl. Everybody loved her, but everybody at ABC is a little disappointed in her memory, put it that way. All of us at Disney/ABC, really.” He added: “She’s a good girl.”

Too late now.  I’d sue his ass.

It’s worth noting here that Musk’s “apology” in this context, wasn’t exactly unconditional. The “nonthless” part of his tweet was in response to another user tweeting, “It [the attack on Pelosi] is still a questionable and bizarre situation between two men in their underwear.” Though Musk may have apologized to

Be wary that Musk is a self-admitted Republican now just to save and inflate his own ego. He’s going to get worse and worse over time.

Being anti-vax is unforgivable in my view. It is effectively anti-modernity and shows you really do not want to be part of our culture. It also guarantees a huge level of hypocrisy, since invariably you completely depend the advantages that modern life gives you (like being able to post your idiotic ideas on the World

Is it really controversial for him to have opinions that are shared by a fairly sizeable portion of America?

Knight Automated Roving Robot.

A: The guy is not a hacker.

Some of this sounds like extremely online people drawing conclusions based on out-of-context statements, but I can’t respect anyone who willingly follows Jordan Peterson. He’s not a “deep thinker,” he’s a crybaby.

It’s K.A.R.R. The names always start with “Knight” because that’s the name of the technology in them.

If I remember right didn’t K.I.T.T. also have a evil rival called K.A.R.R.? Or was it C.A.R.R. my old man brain is not working well this morning.

I haven’t played the game, so this seemed like a tremendously complicated level.

While a very small moment, Ellie knocking the hands off the clock made me laugh and continue to appreciate how well Bella Ramsey sells ‘sarcastic and genuine kid’ which is a really tough needle to thread. It would be very easy to make those two sides of Ellie feel like they did not mesh or were forced but she’s

They nailed this episode. I went in expecting a fairly strict adaptation of Bill from the game: a loner curmudgeon with a chip on his shoulder who helps Joel find a car battery.