
I agree that the M$ nonsense got old decades ago, but licenses for Windows versions still cost money — it is just the upgrade that is free. Anyone buying a new assembled PC is guaranteed to have Windows installed on it (whether they wanted it or not) and Microsoft was definitely paid for that license. But, to your

As a software tester that frequently stages and restages environments, this annoys the hell out of me.


I’m sure most readers have already guessed this, but the Parliament Buildings are a Class F Restricted zone for aviation, It’s even off limits for microdrones (<250g) which in Canada can fly almost anywhere, even in airport zones. And it’s right in the middle of the protest area.

Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.

Because nobody ever bumps something carried by a shoulder strap while out in public!

I mean it’s great the the truckers are winning over so many new friends by throttling the supply chain, blocking bridges, closing borders, shutting down factories, causing people to lose their jobs, threatening people’s properties and lives, and generally fucking up everything for everyone. Everyone’s super tolerant

I simply don’t understand how someone can claim something like “homosexual acts are evil” and yet insist that they don’t “exclude” anyone from their work or personal life because of “who they are or what they believe.” Like, at best that makes you look like a weak-willed piece of shit that compromises their own

This trucker movement has its own home grown Canadian right wing politics behind it. One of the organizers was on the board for the Maverick Party (a party which has had other names in the past) from Alberta who, like Texas thinks they should separate from the country. She conveniently resigned after the movement

Free speech doesn’t protect you from the consequences of said speech.

Freedom of association is important. Dude continually drops the N-word? Well, that’s not someone I really want my streaming company to have a $100m contract with. So I cancelled it. Let others make their choice to hire whatever racist losers they want, just as we can fire whatever racist losers we want, since “does rac

This was so good!

I mean, in this case it’s a small ledge on the side of a cliff slope that leads down into a deep, dank pit, but yes, technically he has it.

The FBI got a judge to approve a search warrant and has seized 16 electronic devices from Giuliani and about 12 days ago a special court appointed reviewer handed over about 30,000 messages or other items to the Department of Justice. Almost none of it was deemed to fall under privileges such as attorney-client

It’s so weird that Robin Thicke having the moral high ground.

Now playing

thank you very much for leading me to this

Is it though? It just feels like a way for Google to push gChat and gMeetings, which is going to be a nightmare for me to manage in IT, as my company uses Slack and Zoom as our chat and meetings platforms. The left sidebar is now a PITA I have to figure out how to disable or risk endless confusion from my end users.

And Newsradio.

Dang, I thought you mean it’s teasing the next episode will be a musical.