
Team xecuter sold mod chips... they didn’t sell cracks to games or pirated software. Are we going to go after crowbar manufacturers on charges of burglary next? How this held up in court has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with the average judge/jury being too stupid to even fully understand the

Yes, but I’m covering its implications to the greater realm of taillight communications, which wasn’t properly addressed before. That’s the part that REALLY matters.

I think there is something fascinating about taillights buried in this article but I can’t get past someone pulling an overhead projector out of their pants. Illustration needed.

SC is the 7th from the worst state to be a cop and pays the lowest cop wage among all states.

Now, if you’re saying that a low quality performance draws more attention to the age disparity, that’s one thing, but that’s not what I’ve been reading from you guys since the trailer premiered (apologies if I’ve inferred something that isn’t there).”

Baller move. Yeah, don’t tell people things will be outside and then just construct a building in an outdoor space. That just makes it inside again! I’ve seen so many restaurants do this - offer outdoor space, then essentially build another building in the street with four walls and a ceiling. You just recreated

There’s an alternate timeline where all those stunts don’t fuck him up and where Philip Berk doesn’t grope him and I wonder, in that timeline, what his arc would have been.

well, 2 Chainz went by the name Tity Boi for years because he drank his mother’s breastmilk into his teens, so i mean, rap names are a wild ride.

It’s almost like he wasn’t sorry and is a huge asshole...

This is interesting, because AFAIK the connotation of “black” being evil and “white” being good far predates the invention of race. So I rather doubt that “whitelist” and “blacklist” were originally intended with any sort of racial implication. (The opposite may be true: those espousing race theory may have selected

I’m just so delighted that Walker lost in Wisconsin.  I loathe that motherfucker, and the relatives I have in Wisconsin who I’m sure voted for him.

“Wilderness Gurlz!”

The Fish in The Cat in the Hat should be at the top of this list. I know, in the cartoon it is voiced by a guy but the book does not assign that fish a gender and I would argue it is the ultimate Lame Bitch.

We are set up to hate the fish, when all it does is point out that we don’t know that cat and he should not be

Doesn;’t mean they didn’t have the wrong car. If the guy they caught drove a similar car as the actual killer, and that is why they are chasing him...

I don’t see exactly why this interview was aired. I mean I never believed he was innocent. I thought he was guilty and I thought that the prosecution ought to have lost that case. I guess I can be amused by the thumbing of the nose at white people who can be outraged once again at the fact that OJ got away with it but

I think the JLaw example serves as a good one. Really Haddish’s behavior is not different than JLaws in terms of what’s considered “good taste”. JL does do the whole sloppy, drunk single friend routine and it’s treated like an endearing trait. Meanwhile Haddish does the same thing and she’s “too ghetto”?

C’mon. TH is a

The irony of someone named “Jakoury” talking about embarrassing the race has not been lost upon me...

In regards to the dress she did tell y’all on SNL that she was going to wear the shit out of it. Good for her. If she’s too black for some fuck them. In a country where we now have a dumb ass as *president. who’s being celebrated for being stupid by the way, I’m here for Ms. Haddish in full.

Just the fact that this person thinks Tiffany can “embarrass the race” is enough to never listen to a word he says.