
The problem is that their horribly designed apps don’t have the moderation tools that the 3rd party tool sets have, and do not have the accessibility options for those who might need them.

If Reddit had taken the time to build out those things, this wouldn’t be a discussion. Instead those who are performing free labor

So, no one is saying that these engineers and 3rd party applications shouldn’t be paying for API access.

I think that’s what you’re missing. No one is saying that these engineers shouldn’t be paying for API access. The issue is the timeline to adjust to the pricing that Reddit was asking, and how much they’re charging.


You’re obviously not a moderator performing free labor for Reddit and having your tools taken away.

What you’re completely missing is that Reddit relies on that free labor of moderating and administering all of those subreddits you see. The tools Reddit is killing aren’t just the 3rd party applications, but it’s the

It sounds like “Reddit needs to grow up” and hire a new CEO.

Their reliance on free labor, and not listening to that same labor when it’s impacting their ability to do their unpaid job, is going to destroy that platform.

It’s not about the scraping of data. It’s about the advertising money and getting folks not to use 3rd party applications. Reddit’s API does not require advertisements to be used. 

See also:

They want to go

If you built up a platform based on the free labor of others, and then said screw you to that free labor as soon as it didn’t suit them. How would you react?

All that they are asking for is more time for these folks to adjust to the new API changes, which are unfairly priced out, so they can adjust. Instead of

Happy to see the response from the community on Reddit. Steve Huffman could have handled this in a million better ways than the ones he chose. It’s really pointing out poor leadership and management from the top down over at Reddit.

Fair API charges should be applied. That’s fine, but give those who are volunteering

They’re not developing tools to help in moderation or accessibility. All of that work, including hours and hours of moderation time, and administrative work have all been performed by the community where they won’t grant those who work on those tools more time to address API concerns.

If you were putting multiple hours

In two separate browsers using Google Chrome, I’m not able to see this. Is this a limitation on browser width, or am I not seeing something I should in Google?

Yup. Get the MVP out, and let the user base tear it apart.

I think it’s more of a DevKit/ Expensive Hobbyist / enterprise hardware platform.

By releasing it at the price point they are, it’s going to allow engineers to get all of the issues out of the way before introducing a non “pro” version that is priced to move a whole lot more units.

In other words, wait until Apple has

Well, I live in a major metropolitan city and prices aren’t going down here either. So, stop blaming it on back to the office initiatives.

If there’s anything that is going to hurt real estate by people not coming back to the office, it’s retail real estate and some of these big office buildings that are just empty

It wasn’t over, yet.

They’re just hitting the AR goggles, now.

Sounds like I’m going to be limiting my Reddit use going forward.

I honestly can’t wait to see what Ryan Gosling does in this. Ken has no idea that he’s just another accessory.

It’ll probably be on the credits tag at the end, but not in the feature itself.

In Musk’s world incompetence is a feature, not a bug.

Even worse, I think it was on a server running Windows ME.

Yeah, logging into HBOMax and then just not having the application load at all, was frustrating and made me want to throw the app out all together.

Then, after moving to the new app, and having interactions not work at all how they worked with the previous app, ESPECIALLY when trying to get rid of the “Hey watch these

That looks like the single most uncomfortable ride imaginable.