
I believe you are correct.

I don’t know how anyone following this thing hasn’t realized that they’re both abusive dumpster fires of people that really should be spending the money on this trial, on an intense amount of therapy?

I truly hope they both get the help that they need.

So, he’s hoping to reduce carbon by relying on a process that ultimately dramatically INCREASES the world’s carbon footprint?

So much so that offsetting Bitcoin’s carbon footprint would require planting 300 million new trees? That’s the grift you’re going with now, Adam?

Doubling down on a dying (literally and figuratively) clientele... WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!

Targeted Chastising to match their Targeted Advertising.

I believe it was also called “Bump,” and I believe it’s still available.

It’s the foil embossing that gives the copy power... so... much... power...

I feel bad for those who worked for these market manipulating assholes.

I do not feel bad for those running Robinhood.

He may be all of the above, AND a giant, obnoxious, asshole. 

I’d be interested in an updated version of the cartoon I grew up with, if it gets the same treatment that the amazing reboot of DuckTales received.

That said, I am here for this weird, original take on the Disney Afternoon.

Now, I just want Josh Groban to somehow, some way, to sing the theme to Gummi-Bears.

I am being shamelessly pandered to with this game, and I love every freaking moment of it.

Can’t wait to play this one, with friends, sitting on my couch.

Agreed. I also don’t think it was stupid for him pointing it out, because I believe both are true. More money should be placed in science, including space travel, and there are way too many people suffering in the US on Earth to ignore them as well.

I believe it’s canon from the source material that the character’s Brit accent is supposed to be bad?

Microtransactions ruining gaming, again.

This is a beautiful game that even plays and looks fantastic on the PS4. Yet, you’ve got to be always connected in single player mode, grind extensively, unless you’re putting money into microtransactions, you can’t even SELL cars that you’ve won or purchased, in an attempt to

Yes, human sexuality is complicated, and they’re attempting to be more inclusive as they go.


I would love to see some sort of repercussions for Elon Musk’s particular brand of sociopathy.

It’s condescending, confrontational, but also very shallow.

Rob, he makes the comments around Wonder Woman and Flash earlier in the season. I believe that’s what he was referring to. I don’t believe they were filmed in that scene. It was more referencing what was said in earlier episodes.

It also shows Cena keeping a good working knowledge of the scripts as he works on them,

Think of it this way. It’s like your mechanic working on your car, and they need to have you come in to start your car, for the mechanic to attempt to fix it.

It’s an unnecessary pain, and people have legitimate use cases where this complicates things.

They are REALLY trying to get people to purchase the Online Expansion Pass.

Their drive here is not to sell a new Mario Kart DLC, although that always helps, it’s to drive people to the expanded Online Pass, because for many people N64, Genesis games and Animal Crossing DLC is not going to cut it.

I still don’t know if