
Yeah, they should have waited for a court order. And the authorities wouldn't have won. Now the standoff is over and Ace look like simps. Dumb business move, dumb humanity move.

I love the Empire Exstream talk and all the talk where other artists just shout "Yeah well I've created my OWN streaming service!" I think it's hilarious that Empire exists in this alternate universe where streaming is profitable.

I don't know what you've heard, but the Sheriff's Office made a request and those stores are under no obligation to comply.

Warner Bros is making these movies with Legendary, not Universal.

I saw Tucker Max at a book signing once. Amazingly, there were a bunch of young women there who couldn't wait to meet him. Not surprisingly, there were a bunch of young frat bros who couldn't wait to meet him, too.

No, it's a little know secret at this point that Kirby and Ditko were responsible for many of Lee's creations and Lee has a crazy playboy self-image.

Probably most people reading this got it.

Oh no, you don't realize you could have visited both websites? Yikes.

Hopefully we get to see more of these. It seems like they'll get around to most eventually. I'd love to watch Master Plan of the Daleks.

If you don't take this show too seriously and treat it like an elseworld version of Gotham, it's hysterical and a lot of fun.

Not so nice things

Read it again:

Hmmm, so you are another lazy one, as I suspected. Feel warm comfort in being in the middle and not having to express thoughts on complicated issues. If it helps you get through the day, good on ya, mate!

lol, says they guy who jumped in with his cape on. Sounds like another archetype. Teach me how to be a comments hero, Thrumbolio!

What he did went WAY beyond just being accused if you read about what happened. But if you're comfortable with his behavior before during and after the case, and there's plenty of info to read about it, then again, you might just be looking for an excuse not to care if you're going to hang your hat on "he was

Jeez, another lazy one. You can have thoughts beyond "I just don't know what happened here!" without vilifying either party.

"And your reasonable people are just going to sit there being confused about what is right."

Wrong…I'm just not here for people who want to pat themselves on the back for not taking one side or the other on complex issues. There's PLENTY out there on this case for people to make a personal judgment they can be comfortable with.

Right, so you're lazy then. Got it.

The point, obviously and it's too bad you can't grasp it, is that if you're a "reasonable [person]" just "sit[ting] there being confused about what is right" after reading an AVClub article, you might just be lazy.