
A for me…one of the best first episodes of a show I've ever seen. I really loved everything about it.

It looks like Jane will be back a bit more than Dan is comfortable with.

I enjoyed seeing Dan get some comeuppance.

I beat it as a kid, but playing it again with emulators, I need to use freeze states all the time.

The unmistakable riff on the Simpsons theme from Bart vs. The Space Mutants. This fun video is giving me bad flashbacks to an insanely difficult game.

Speak for yourself, Alphonse. In any case, having a memorable title/credits sequence that overshadows that actual show is historically a sitcom recipe for success.

Not really…most classic sitcoms have credits sequences that are more memorable than any plot. In the news this week Perfect Strangers is one example.

Yes, I thought Ike Barinholtz was sleazy and fun, but they could have done without his 5 minute segment with Deadshot and Harley in the beginning.

They can carry a movie just fine, and the promotion machine for Squad was sensational. They just needed a script to live up to that cast. It wasn't a big ask.

The idea that you need a big trilogy to do it is erroneous. JLU effectively introduced Task Force X in several minutes, though we DID know some of those characters already.

He's referencing musicians and discussing feminism in music. He also discussed Robyn at length.

Am I, a white man, not allowed to criticize say Ivanka Trump's shallow brand of feminism?

Haha, exactly. I thought it was obvious given the setting and even a minor knowledge of Wonder Woman mythology. I would have guessed Ares with 100% certainty based on that JLU ep with Hawk & Dove.

Sorry, it's Danny Huston.

"Deadpool slips back and forth from the past to the present, in a very aggressive, nonlinear manner"

You are correct, sir.

This season, they've managed to actually cancel at least two shows!

At least she had some action in LoT. Baccarin exists as eye candy (but she's his equal because they're crazy or something), disappears for most of the movie, then is the requisite third act bait. What a waste.

Deadpool is remarkably average despite all the hype. I think my favorite part is that Baccarin went around giving interviews saying her character was "no damsel in distress" and that's exactly what she ended up being. Just hits the same beats as every other superhero movie, with more jokes and violence.

The Dark Knight was the biggest reason that the Academy went from a max of 5 nominees to a max of 10 Best Picture nominees. Logan could get a nomination if it's good enough.