
Nate Parker, mea culpa. But in any case, THIS story isn't where anyone can be getting enough details to be 100% sure and I'm not sure why you're pushing for the AVClub to be the place where people can get enough details to satisfy their curiosity

You've got a whole internet at your fingertips out there if you want to refresh yourself on the details.

Maybe this little story on an AFI cancellation shouldn't be where people get their info about this matter. Or do you think AVClub should go into all the gory details every time Nat Turner is mentioned?

I mean, if you're cool with that low bar on the issues and facts of this very complicated matter, you do you. Sounds like you're looking for an excuse not to care about this.

lol you poor reasonable people. If only there were already loads of articles out there to educate yourself with out there. If only…

Is Sam admitting he hasn't seen the movie?

I think the author of the article hasn't seen the movie and is only guessing, because Affleck would be all wrong for the lawyer role.

The producers have gone to great lengths to say that the won't necessarily kill the same character and note that they haven't sent any letters to people revealing the identity of the character that died in the books. So yeah, not the same.

If that were truly the case, we wouldn't hear so many complaints about a "who died" cliffhanger.


I can't believe there are idiots who follow the (currently hibernating) Modern Seinfeld twitter account. Their tweets and plot ideas were so hacky and awful.

I mean, you want it to be perfect, I get that, but it's not. The conversation is about information that has not been publicly revealed, Not adapting something that you could already find the plot for. Of course, there's a story in the comics, but AMC has taken great pains to stress they may deviate from that. HBO

TWD fans obsessively track information available to the public, including but not limited to set photos, hair length at cons, shooting schedules. When they teased Glenn's death, many fans were quick to point out that the actor playing Glenn was already spotted in Georgia filming episodes for the second half of the

Hey, if you're happy being strung along, good on ya. Others aren't and their reactions aren't stupid.

I understand what you're trying to say, but you're using a strained, contrived example to do it. I agree with you that AMC is being ridiculous. Fans follow filming schedules and pictures and hair cuts obsessively and they put the pieces together. Throw Baelor out the window because the book was out already. HBO

No, it's a dumb cliffhanger because it's needless and because they had made promises then pulled the rug out on people at the last possible moment. Walking Dead is a juggernaut. There is absolutely no need to give them a tease to return to the show later on. All it did was piss a lot of people off.

Your Baelor example wouldn't work here because the book had already come out many years before, so the information that Joffrey ordered Ned beheaded was already in the public.

This is so stupid. And AMC could have avoided all this if they hadn't screwed their loyal viewers with a dumb cliffhanger.

No mention that Matt Villines recently passed away, Dennis? Nice snarky comment about the deceased, though.

I wish Stranger Things treated Barb as good as the internet seems to think it did. So weird to see the stereotypical wet blanket friend get praised as the best thing about it.