
Sick #wellactually Colonel.

Shameful how few of you read through Kayla's review before commenting. In my opinion.

YES…We might have replied to the same tweet, but the pic he posted I replied to was a woman eating Fruit Loops from a bathtub. I said the same thing, I guess he should never meet a President. He was an interesting follow much of the time, but yeah he is prone to douchey political points for sure.

Rob Lowe blocked me on twitter because I brought up his sex tape when he tried to shame Obama for being interviewed by YouTube stars.

It was sooooooo disappointing to see Daredevil turn into a random GI Joe episode after that first season and half of the second. Half surprised Daredevil doesn't start using a laser gun.

Of all the crazy things on this show, the idea of a profitable streaming music service might be the most crazy of them all.

No one was going to ask her to reprise the role.

Makes sense since Kingpin will probably be the big villain, or at least a major part, but please…KEEP THE HAND OUT OF IT!

She had a GREAT guest starring role with a very young Chloe Moretz as her daughter on My Name is Earl. You could tell then Chloe was going to have a long career. Would have been curious to hear her thoughts on working with her.

lol I yelled out South Park.

Alex is a TERRIBLE agent. She insists on coming despite all signs that it's a bad idea and she could probable do more help outside the city. As soon as they arrive, she's a total liability and results in Jonn getting taken out.

Got excited when I thought they were doing a series based on the movie Cloak & Dagger. Jack Flack FTW.

It wasn't the cardinal sin of being close with Jimmy, it was the cardinal sin of not warning her employer about what Jimmy did. Howard and Kim put their professional reputations on the line to get Jimmy hired.

If I'm ever as half as happy as Kara Danvers was holding that cone, I will consider myself to be very lucky indeed.

That was just pure fucking joy. Lol at Snyder for not wanting this kind of take on Flash for his universe. The perfect antidote to the BvS disappointment. I will watch the ice cream scene 100 times at least tomorrow

This is probably the best example on television of how nasty and unglamorous the law can be. Late night doc review in a windowless room, hopeless attempts at networking through cold calls over lunch breaks…total opposite of the glamour that Suits shows that's for some reason influenced people to go to law school. I

She was a THREE episode sight on The Office.

Walking Dead comics readers surpass even Game of Thrones readers in their determination to let everyone know they've read the source material and have a good idea what is coming next.

No shout out for Real Genius in the review for providing the "I drank what" line? Or did it exist prior to Real Genius?

It can also be one thing. Batman TAS is too mature for children, and frankly even 7 might have been pushing it. It's ok for kids to having something specifically for them, too. This is designed to be something parents can be comfortable with children under 7 watching, a la the new Teen Titans (obviously). Not