
Alex has been kind of nasty with Hank/Jonn since finding out his secret, always using it against him.

I say this with peace and love, and as a fan of the DCAU, but it cracks me up that adults comment on whether or not they like the look of a cartoon specifically targeted towards 2-11 year olds. This one isn't for us, guys.

What a terrific interview. Makes me want to watch the show now.

I enjoyed SNG a whole lot, but I was really surprised at how meh Jurassic World was when I finally got around to seeing it. Har har insert joke about how he can exploit nostalgia and fan service.

George Lucas would be a bad pick, Colin Trevorrow is also a bad pick. Jurassic World, for all the money it made, was painfully average.

Big money to be had in the Todd Margaret universe, for sure.

lol what are you looking for here, guy who said you hated the first act so much? What do you want someone to tell you? "Yes, it turned into a different show than the one that immediately turned you off?"

Nice photo, Jason Sudeikis!

Did Josh lock his tweets because he was getting run up on for TOTALLY MISSING THE BIG END TO THE EPISODE? Yikes, avclub.

A "pumpkin", more specifically a jack o lantern.

Nightdance has one of the most terrifying images I've ever seen in any horror medium. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it but let's just say Michael enjoys Halloween traditions as much as anybody. Very clever comic and I've told people that think Halloween couldn't work as a standalone horror series

She's speaking at the library in 2 days, and I can't wait to see her. So delightful. My favorite author.

Sharon Horgan better be in this.

A book called King Dork. I loved the title and cover so much I picked it up right away. It was fantastic.

I guess Vikram doesn't know what a devilish smile looks like. Carol was clearly making an 'oops' face and it wasn't a Tandy move at all.

Those of us who love him from Private Parts have known that for a long time.

The show didn't suffer, we suffered for not figuring it out sooner. It wasn't until I read someone else's take on depression and The Leftovers that it clicked for me and I went back and finished season 1, loving every minute of it.

I really liked Phenom when it was on for one season. He was also a lot of fun playing Kyle Chandler's father on Early Edition.

Yeah that last scene where he talked about how he would eventually forget he ever had a daughter was just devastating.

Goodbye, Pilot :(